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Vue.js Examples
4 months ago

3D Print Designer Web Application using Vue.js

Node.js and npm are required to run the 3D Print Designer Web Application.
Vue CLI is used to install the necessary dependencies for the application. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
4 months ago
Web development

A dictionary web app for researching words and their meanings. Made with Vue js

Vue.js-based web application for learning and practicing word definitions
Features include user-friendly interface, fast loading times, responsive design, real-time data, and theme toggling [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
5 months ago

A Random Recipe App built in Nuxt

The Nuxt Random Recipe App is a small recipe application developed in Nuxt for a live-coding session at Vue.js Nation 2024.
The app showcases various features and technologies associated with Nuxt and follows best practices for building modern web applications. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
4 months ago

3D Print Designer Web Application using Vue.js

Node.js and npm are required to run the 3D Print Designer Web Application.
Vue CLI is used to install the necessary dependencies for the application. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
4 months ago
Web development

A dictionary web app for researching words and their meanings. Made with Vue js

Vue.js-based web application for learning and practicing word definitions
Features include user-friendly interface, fast loading times, responsive design, real-time data, and theme toggling [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
5 months ago

A Random Recipe App built in Nuxt

The Nuxt Random Recipe App is a small recipe application developed in Nuxt for a live-coding session at Vue.js Nation 2024.
The app showcases various features and technologies associated with Nuxt and follows best practices for building modern web applications. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #537

Placemark is an open-source web application for geospatial data.
NLUX is a Javascript library for integrating language models into web apps. [ more ]
6 months ago

Using Generative AI to Detect Cat Breeds

The author created a web application using Google's Gemini AI to identify cats in pictures.
The front end of the application uses a native web platform feature to access the user's camera or allow file selection. [ more ]
#web application
6 months ago

Easy HTTP status codes in Python

The most useful test for a web application is a test that verifies a response with an HTTP status code of 200 OK.
HTTP status codes can be confusing and it's important to understand their meanings and distinctions. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

How to Perform User Authentication with Flask-Login - SitePoint

Flask-Login is an extension in Flask that handles user login and logout functionality and keeps track of the current user(s) throughout the application.
Flask-Login provides features such as user session management, login and logout functionality, user loader callback, and authentication and authorization.
By using Flask-Login, developers can easily implement secure user authentication in their Flask applications. [ more ]
6 months ago

Easy HTTP status codes in Python

The most useful test for a web application is a test that verifies a response with an HTTP status code of 200 OK.
HTTP status codes can be confusing and it's important to understand their meanings and distinctions. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

How to Perform User Authentication with Flask-Login - SitePoint

Flask-Login is an extension in Flask that handles user login and logout functionality and keeps track of the current user(s) throughout the application.
Flask-Login provides features such as user session management, login and logout functionality, user loader callback, and authentication and authorization.
By using Flask-Login, developers can easily implement secure user authentication in their Flask applications. [ more ]
moreweb application
Moving at the Speed of Creativity
6 months ago
Web development

Social Media Text Prepper

Generative AI platforms like ChatGPT 4 allow users to create web applications without knowing programming languages.
A STEM teacher created a web application called 'Social Media Text Prepper' to solve problems with character limits on social media platforms. [ more ]
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