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Social Media Today
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Snapchat Adds AI Watermarks and Transparency Measures

Watermarks of Snap Ghost with sparkles added to AI-created images for transparency. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta expands AI image labeling to include AI-generated content from other platforms

Meta announces new policies and detection tools to improve transparency and prevent harmful content on their platforms.
Meta will label content generated by other companies' AI platforms and use their own AI technology to identify generative AI content. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta ito try 'cutting edge' AI image detection on platforms

Meta is developing tools to detect and label AI-generated images on its platforms.
They will incorporate symbols, watermarks, and metadata to identify fake pictures. [ more ]
MIT Technology Review
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Three ways we can fight deepfake porn

Nonconsensual deepfakes, particularly of women, have become a major issue as generative AI has made it easier to create and distribute them.
New tools such as watermarks and laws could help combat nonconsensual deepfake porn and hold perpetrators accountable. [ more ]
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