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Austin Monitor
4 weeks ago

Council supports relocating and expanding Barton Creek sewage pipe - Austin Monitor

The prospect of relocating a wastewater line in Barton Creek has property owners hopeful for redevelopment while environmental concerns arise. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Concert venue planned near Edwards Aquifer spurs neighbors to prepare for legal fight - Austin Monitor

Residents in Hays County and Travis County are hoping a potential civil case against a California development company will halt plans for a 5,000-seat concert venue near Dripping Springs.
The main concern for opponents of the venue is the potential impact of improperly treated wastewater on nearby aquifers. [ more ]
5 months ago

COVID wastewater levels are the highest they've been in 2 years

COVID-19 cases are on the rise in Massachusetts, and levels of the virus in Greater Boston's wastewater are now at their second-highest point since the start of the pandemic.
The current wastewater figures are still just a fraction of what they were during the January 2022 omicron surge. [ more ]
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