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1 month ago

Install and Execute Python Applications Using pipx Quiz - Real Python

Using pipx can help manage Python package dependencies efficiently. [ more ]
1 month ago

Install and Execute Python Applications Using pipx - Real Python

pipx creates and manages virtual environments automatically to isolate dependencies of installed Python packages.
pipx adds symbolic links to command-line scripts of installed packages for direct execution without Python interpreter. [ more ]
Hynek Schlawack
2 months ago

Python Project-Local Virtualenv Management Redux

Python transitioning in packaging tools and workflows with tools like Astral's uv and Rye.
Embracing putting virtual environments in-project directories like .venv. [ more ]
2 months ago

A Better Place To Put Your Python Virtual Environments - Pybites

Using virtual environments in Python is crucial for isolating different app requirements and preventing conflicts.
Virtual environments allow for replicating project environments on different machines and avoiding the 'well, it runs on my laptop' issue. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

DeepMind's new agent can learn complex games. That's a big step toward AI that can navigate the real world

AI agent SIMA can learn to perform diverse tasks in virtual environments using natural language directions.
DeepMind aims to build AI models for real-world tasks based on SIMA's behavior in unfamiliar environments. [ more ]
3 months ago

Python Basics Exercises: Installing Packages With pip - Real Python

Python package manager is pip
Virtual environments are used to separate project dependencies [ more ]
4 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #611

Python time module allows you to get the current time and format it according to international standards.
A Markov Chain algorithm can be used to generate nonsensical text in Python with just 20 lines of code. [ more ]
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