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3 weeks ago
OMG science

Howler Monkeys in Mexico are Dropping Dead From the Trees Amid Brutal Heatwave

Heatwave in Mexico causes howler monkeys' deaths. [ more ]
1 month ago

Army denies claims horses get one hour exercise from dark, rat-infested barracks'

The British Army denies exercising Household Cavalry horses for only one hour a day amidst claims of poor living conditions and lack of appropriate care. [ more ]
1 month ago

British army provides update after Household Cavalry horses rampage through London

Military horses in central London ran amok, causing injuries to soldiers but not life-threatening; escaped horses safely returned for veterinary care. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago

From Alaskapox to the plague... how your CAT is a carrier of diseases

Cats are common disease carriers because they hunt rodents and mammals
Vet experts recommend not allowing your cats to go outdoors [ more ]
Miami Herald
4 months ago

Seaquarium response to Miami-Dade mayor: We're still here and fighting 'misinformation'

Miami Seaquarium accuses Miami-Dade County of sharing partial information about recent enforcement action by federal animal inspectors
Miami Seaquarium claims to have taken necessary corrective action to comply with federal animal welfare laws [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay (California)

In brief: East Bay SPCA plans to expand services with new $200,000 grant

The East Bay SPCA has received a $200,000 multiyear grant from PetSmart Charities to enhance access to veterinary care.
The grant will allow the East Bay SPCA to expand services, such as telemedicine and ultrasound, and focus on veterinarian recruitment. [ more ]
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