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1 month ago
Remote teams

Remote possibility of 'hush vacation'

Around 29% of Americans admitted to taking 'hush vacations' to save accrued paid time off without informing employers. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

1 in 3 remote workers has been on vacation without the boss knowing

One-third of Americans admitted working remotely on vacation without informing employers. [ more ]
The US Sun
1 month ago
Remote teams

'Hush workcation' is latest trend for workers but half are too scared to risk it

Nearly one-third of Americans work remotely on vacation without informing employers, citing passion for work, deadlines, PTO savings, and blending work with leisure as reasons. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Remote possibility of 'hush vacation'

Around 29% of Americans admitted to taking 'hush vacations' to save accrued paid time off without informing employers. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

1 in 3 remote workers has been on vacation without the boss knowing

One-third of Americans admitted working remotely on vacation without informing employers. [ more ]
The US Sun
1 month ago
Remote teams

'Hush workcation' is latest trend for workers but half are too scared to risk it

Nearly one-third of Americans work remotely on vacation without informing employers, citing passion for work, deadlines, PTO savings, and blending work with leisure as reasons. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Quiet vacationing: why workers are sneaking off on holiday without telling their boss

Many American workers, particularly millennials and generation Zs, are not taking all their paid time off due to fear of being viewed as slackers. [ more ]
1 month ago

5 Things Business Owners Must Stop Doing On Vacation

Business owners struggle to disconnect on vacation, risking burnout and impacting mental health and professional satisfaction. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Absorption Vacation

Planning and spreading out workload before vacation can help create a sustainable work-life balance.
Immersing oneself in reading during vacation can provide an escape and much-needed rest and relaxation. [ more ]
1 month ago

5 Things Business Owners Must Stop Doing On Vacation

Business owners struggle to disconnect on vacation, risking burnout and impacting mental health and professional satisfaction. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Absorption Vacation

Planning and spreading out workload before vacation can help create a sustainable work-life balance.
Immersing oneself in reading during vacation can provide an escape and much-needed rest and relaxation. [ more ]
1 month ago

In Paris and Beyond, 6 Sumptuous European Hotels

Luxury hotels in Paris offer plush accommodations for Paris Olympics-goers and vacationers alike, featuring historic inspirations and top-notch amenities. [ more ]
4 months ago
Real Madrid

Eden Hazard explains poor physical condition when he arrived at Real Madrid

Eden Hazard arrived at Real Madrid overweight in summer 2019 after indulging during his vacation before pre-season.
Hazard admits that he struggled with injuries and criticism during his time at Real Madrid but denies being a slacker in training. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
4 months ago

My Husband Promised Me This Year's Family Vacation Would Be Better Than Last Year's. He Lied!

The letter writer had a miserable vacation staying in the same house as their husband's family.
The letter writer wants to avoid the same situation happening again, but doesn't want to seem like they hate their husband's family. [ more ]
5 months ago
Canada news

Vacationers searching for answers after finding chewed mattress, missing toilet seats at resort | CBC News

Jeff Phelps and his family booked a vacation in Cuba with Sunwing, but arrived at a 4.5-star resort that was unsanitary and had missing amenities.
Multiple travelers had similar experiences with unsanitary rooms and broken amenities at the same resort. [ more ]
Wine Enthusiast
5 months ago

A Wine Lover's Guide to Maine

Maine has been a popular vacation destination for leisure travelers for decades.
Portland has become a culinary hotspot, but there are also hidden gems in smaller towns across the state. [ more ]
Who What Wear
6 months ago
Fashion & style

Resortwear Is on My Mind-Here's What I'm Eyeing for My Next Vacation

Bloomingdale's offers a selection of vacay-ready brands and resortwear
They carry brands like Hunza G, Altuzarra, and Johanna Ortiz [ more ]
7 months ago

If You Can't Avoid Working on Vacation, Follow These Tips for Everyone's Sake

Plan to not work during your time off and delegate tasks in advance.
Give key people your phone number for emergencies only and set clear boundaries. [ more ]
7 months ago

5 Strategies for Leaders to Thrive Before (and After) Hitting Their 90s | Entrepreneur

Taking regular vacations can lower stress, improve health, and increase motivation.
Business leaders often overlook the importance of taking time off for themselves.
Creating a life filled with incredible experiences is possible for everyone. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Tell us: do you struggle to stay off your phone while on vacation?

Finding it hard to unplug while on vacation due to increased smartphone use is a common issue, prompting the need for tips to disconnect effectively. [ more ]
Conde Nast Traveler
5 days ago

During an Arizona Trip, Synchronicity Strikes a Reader by the Pool

The article discusses a mother planning a vacation for her son after the loss of her husband and the traumatic experience of her son's cardiac arrest. [ more ]
The US Sun
1 week ago
FC Barcelona

Premier League manager's model daughter relaxes on beach in Ibiza

Pep Guardiola's daughter Maria garnered attention on social media during her summer holiday. [ more ]
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