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1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Putting People First: Humanizing Cloud Security to Strengthen Protection

Prioritizing user needs in cloud security is vital for effective protection. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Fall in love with the user, not the technology

AI as a tool, not a curator
Focus on user over technology [ more ]
2 months ago
Web design

Unleashing Creativity: Becoming a Web Designer with Adobe Suite - eLearning

Web design has evolved from simple HTML pages to dynamic websites, requiring a blend of technical expertise and creative skills.
Web designers play a crucial role in creating user-centric designs that not only look good but also function seamlessly. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

How to center your design strategies around impact

Design thinkers discussed turning good ideas into action at scale.
Singapore's approach in prototyping solutions applicable beyond the country. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
5 months ago
Web design

A Modern Multifunctional Hanger That Can Be Used For Shirts As Well As Sarees - Yanko Design

The KOI Cloths Hanger PD1 is a modular and portable clothes hanger that addresses the limitations of traditional designs.
The hanger boasts a clean and minimalistic aesthetic and features an innovative snaplock mechanism for easy assembly and disassembly. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

How to center your design strategies around impact

Design thinkers discussed turning good ideas into action at scale.
Singapore's approach in prototyping solutions applicable beyond the country. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
5 months ago
Web design

A Modern Multifunctional Hanger That Can Be Used For Shirts As Well As Sarees - Yanko Design

The KOI Cloths Hanger PD1 is a modular and portable clothes hanger that addresses the limitations of traditional designs.
The hanger boasts a clean and minimalistic aesthetic and features an innovative snaplock mechanism for easy assembly and disassembly. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

How to make your design stories focused on your user's perspective

Design storytelling should focus on the users, not the designer.
Effective design storytelling requires introducing the user as the main character. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

UX Research: A Practical Guide to Insights, Budgeting, and Stakeholder Engagement

User research is crucial for understanding user behaviors, needs, and preferences.
UX research is integral in creating user-centric products and informing the design phase. [ more ]
Social Media Explorer
5 months ago

Introducing the Secrets to Successful Website Design - Social Media Explorer

User-centric design is important for creating an intuitive and satisfying browsing experience.
A successful website relies on elements such as visual appeal, functionality, compelling content, and seamless navigation. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

Navigating the Complex Landscape of UX Design as a Team of One

Photo by Austin Mabe on Unsplash As UX/UI design evolves, collaboration has been at the forefront of all design efforts in the last few years.
6 months ago

Lean UX and Agile: A perfect synergy for startups

Integrating Lean UX with Agile methodologies can help startups deliver user-centric products that meet market demand and evolve with it.
Lean UX emphasizes rapid iteration, collaboration, and validated learning in the design process. [ more ]
1 week ago
UX design

UX lessons we can learn from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Lessons on user-centricity and consistency from the decline of the MCU. [ more ]
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