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3 weeks ago
France politics

Monday Briefing: Xi Jinping Visits Europe

Xi Jinping visited Europe to strengthen ties, challenging U.S. dominance and seeking allies frustrated with the current global order. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

China launches a new crew to its space station, advancing toward lunar mission

China launched Shenzhou-18 carrying astronauts to live and work on homemade space station, part of ambitious space program with implications for U.S. [ more ]
Cloud Pro
5 months ago
Business intelligence

The EU just launched a 1.2 billion cloud project to crack US dominance

Seven countries are providing state aid to support their domestic cloud computing companies.
The aim is to challenge the dominance of US-based companies in the global cloud computing market. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Not regulating AI should be out of the question

France and Germany are opposing the regulation of general-purpose AI systems, which could harm the EU AI ecosystem.
The US and UK have raised concerns about these AI systems, highlighting the need for regulation.
The EU wants to support the development of responsible AI systems and compete with US companies by supporting SMEs. [ more ]
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