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1 month ago
Data science

Venture firms form alliance to standardize data collection | TechCrunch

The Diversity Data Alliance aims to standardize data collection in tech to improve transparency and increase funding for underrepresented founders. [ more ]
2 months ago

Apply to Clara Wu Tsai's BK-XL Startup Accelerator Program

Clara Wu Tsai launches second round of BK-XL Accelerator to support underrepresented entrepreneurs in Brooklyn. [ more ]
4 months ago
Startup companies

Black Tech Nation Ventures's diversity thesis undeterred by growing DEI backlash

BTNV addresses funding gap for Black founders
Initial fundraising success followed by challenges in raising full amount [ more ]
4 days ago
European startups

H Venture Partners launches venture studio focused on microbiome tech | TechCrunch

Venture studio focusing on sourcing microbiome technologies for startups to tackle health issues and climate change.
Founder Elizabeth Edwards prioritizes preventing antibiotic resistance and reversing climate change through investments.
Investing in underrepresented founders in the biotech sector can bring innovative solutions to major health challenges. [ more ]
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