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Fast Company
1 month ago
Data science

3 (kind of easy) ways to totally transform the hiring process

One of the fundamental problems with work is the challenge of getting hired, with biased and outdated hiring processes. [ more ]
3 months ago

Does your accent matter when you go for a job interview - and how much personal information should you share?

CV and job interview are crucial for job search process
Consider unconscious bias in job applications [ more ]
3 months ago

Does your accent matter when you go for a job interview - or is what you say more important?

Start job search with a strong CV and end with a successful interview
Consider impact of accent and amount of personal information when applying [ more ]
3 months ago

Does your accent matter when you go for a job interview - and how much personal information should you share?

CV and job interview are crucial for job search process
Consider unconscious bias in job applications [ more ]
3 months ago

Does your accent matter when you go for a job interview - or is what you say more important?

Start job search with a strong CV and end with a successful interview
Consider impact of accent and amount of personal information when applying [ more ]
6 months ago

Royals and race: inquiry under way into naming of Charles and Catherine in new book

An investigation is underway into the Dutch version of a royal book that named two senior members of the British royal family in discussions about the skin color of Prince Archie.
The book claims these conversations opened up discussions about unconscious bias in the royal family.
Author Omid Scobie denies including the names of the royals in the book and says the inclusion is under investigation. [ more ]
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