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2 days ago

The shocking number of whooping cough cases in ONE WEEK in south east London

Whooping cough cases in South East London increased in week 19 of 2024 amidst rising UK cases. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Whooping cough: five babies in England die after diagnosis, say officials

Five babies in England died of whooping cough in 2024, with a significant increase in cases compared to the previous year. [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago
Public health

Measles campaign features children pleading for jabs in England

Multimedia campaign aims to remind parents about the risks of missed vaccinations, particularly measles
Decline in childhood vaccination uptake since the pandemic is leading to rising measles cases [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

National incident declared as measles cases surge

Measles cases in the UK are surging, prompting health chiefs to declare a national incident.
Immediate action is needed to boost measles vaccine uptake in areas with low rates of immunization. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

National incident declared as measles cases surge

Measles cases in the UK are surging, prompting health chiefs to declare a national incident.
Immediate action is needed to boost measles vaccine uptake in areas with low rates of immunization. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

National incident declared as measles cases surge

Measles cases in the UK are surging, prompting health chiefs to declare a national incident.
Immediate action is needed to boost measles vaccine uptake in areas with low rates of immunization. [ more ]
#swine flu
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Public health

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
moreswine flu
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Human 'swine flu' case: how can you tell H1N2 from a cold, seasonal flu or Covid?

A British person has contracted a new strain of swine flu in the UK, the first detection of this strain in a human.
The patient has no known contact with infected animals, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission.
The UKHSA is conducting a wider investigation to determine the source of the infection and assess the risk to human health. [ more ]
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