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2 weeks ago
Information security

The NCSC's CTO just said what is thinking about software security

The UK tech sector lacks incentives for secure software products. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

CoreWeave expansion tops off impressive week for UK tech investment

The UK government celebrates a £2 billion investment in tech sector last week including a £1 billion deal from US AI firm CoreWeave, showing the growing global appeal of UK's tech industry. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

TechUK calls for next government to introduce 'industrial strategy' for AI | Computer Weekly

Tech companies urge an industrial strategy for AI adoption in the UK.
Collaboration between regulators, government, and the tech sector is vital for boosting technology innovation. [ more ]
5 months ago
Women in technology

Top 10 women in tech and diversity in tech stories of 2023 | Computer Weekly

The lack of diversity in the UK's tech sector is a problem that requires more attention and action.
Efforts to increase diversity in STEM fields, including technology, have been slow and more needs to be done. [ more ]
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