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7 months ago
Business intelligence

Lack of government incentives stifling UK business broadband expansion | Computer Weekly

42% of UK businesses see high-capacity connectivity as integral or greatly important to their future success.
Government incentives for high-capacity network expansion are insufficient, limiting the ability of alternative network providers to meet demand.
Investing in connectivity has a direct impact on business profitability and indirect impacts such as productivity and staff retention. [ more ]
Business Matters
2 days ago

Top Tips for UK Businesses to Manage Pension Liabilities

Effective management of pension liabilities is crucial for employers to ensure financial health and employee trust. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
5 days ago

London business confidence fell in June - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

London business confidence fell 12 points in June to 43%, with a decline in optimism towards the economy.
Top growth areas for London businesses include investing in teams, entering new markets, and evolving offerings.
National business confidence in the UK fell nine points in June to a net balance of 41%, though still above the long-term average. [ more ]
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