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Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Los Angeles

Student had rifle and violent, hand-drawn images in UC Riverside apartment, police say

A student was ordered to leave UC Riverside after police found weapons in an on-campus apartment. [ more ]
1 month ago

Gaza Solidarity Encampment opens at UC Riverside; Cal Poly Pomona protest planned

UC Riverside students staged a Gaza Solidarity Encampment demanding divestment from companies profiting off occupation in Palestine. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Dog-killing parasite found in California river. Here's where and signs your pet might have it

Presence of fatal dog parasite confirmed in California's waters
Canine schistosomiasis caused by liver fluke poses a serious health risk for dogs [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Method identified to double computer processing speeds

Utilizing existing hardware to double processing power
Introducing simultaneous and heterogeneous multithreading (SHMT) [ more ]
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