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1 month ago
LA real estate

Brandywine Homes to Build 95 Infill Townhomes in Pico Rivera

Brandywine Homes is swapping a hotel for 95 townhomes in Pico Rivera, featuring diverse bedroom options and ample parking space, with a planned 32-month construction timeline. [ more ]
2 months ago
East Bay (California)

Crime or peak urbanism? YIMBYs can't help but applaud the Caltrain officials who built secret apartments inside stations

Former Caltrain officials are facing charges for building secret apartments in Peninsula stations with public funds at a low cost.
Housing advocates view the creation of affordable housing next to transit as a positive move, despite the illegal actions taken by the officials. [ more ]
3 months ago
SF politics

Agencies Need to Use Federal Funding to Buy Land for Transit Oriented Development - Streetsblog USA

Housing affordability worsened in 2023 due to rising costs exceeding income growth
Transit-oriented development is not widespread in the US, leading to higher transportation expenses for those living far from transit. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Council takes next step toward new density bonus plan along rail line - Austin Monitor

Austin City Council approves resolution to increase chances of federal funding for Project Connect
Resolution directs staff to modify parking regulations and create an Equitable Transit-Oriented Development overlay [ more ]
4 months ago
LA real estate

FH One to Convert PG&E Building in Oakland Into Housing

FH One plans to replace a parking lot in Downtown Oakland with an eight-story apartment building.
The building will have 94 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments above ground-floor shops. [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay real estate

Metropolitan Transportation Commission Still Punting Housing Requirements - Streetsblog San Francisco

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is considering relaxing transit-oriented development requirements to receive funds under its Housing Incentive Pool
Roughly half the cities in MTC's jurisdiction are not on track to build enough housing to comply with state mandates [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Editorial: Zoning reform, less red tape key to more affordable housing

Affordable housing in Chicago is not solely reliant on government intervention, but can also be achieved through market-based solutions.
The group Urban Environmentalists is calling for reform of zoning regulations to promote transit-oriented development and increase affordable housing options. [ more ]
The Mercury News
6 months ago
East Bay (California)

San Jose: 203-unit affordable apartment project set for VTA station

A 203-unit affordable apartment complex will be built near the Capitol Light Rail Station in San Jose.
San Jose plans to add 62,200 more homes - over half of them affordable - by 2031 to meet state-mandated housing goals. [ more ]
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