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Brooklyn Paper
5 months ago

Interborough Express light rail project, which will connect Bay Ridge and Jackson Heights, inches forward * Brooklyn Paper

Proposed Interborough Express light rail connecting Bay Ridge and Jackson Heights is moving forward
Project aims to reduce commute times between Brooklyn and Queens and improve transit options in various neighborhoods [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Johnson administration fired staffers who complained about mistreatment by officials

City staffers fired after complaining about mistreatment by high-ranking officials in Mayor Johnson's administration.
The incident highlights the challenges during the transition from Lori Lightfoot to Mayor Johnson. [ more ]
5 months ago

How To Beat The Back-To-Work Blues After A Vacation

Planning and setting goals for your first day back at work can help ease the transition.
Establishing new work habits, such as taking regular breaks and minimizing distractions, can improve productivity and reduce stress. [ more ]
5 months ago
New York City

The Voice of the Subway Speaks for Herself, at Last

Bernie Wagenblast, the voice of the New York City subway, came out as a transgender woman publicly a year ago.
She is undergoing her transition at a time when conservative lawmakers are passing measures that curb medical treatment for gender transitions. [ more ]
5 months ago

The Strange and Beautiful Science Of Our Lives

The book 'Transient and Strange' is a collection of essays that explores the science behind various aspects of life.
The author raises questions about transitions, the meaning of life, and what we have learned along the way. [ more ]
6 months ago

Think you know the T? Test your knowledge with this MBTA-inspired Wordle spinoff.

MBTAdle is a new T-themed Wordle spinoff that challenges players to figure out a specific route between two stops using three trains and transfers.
The game was created by a 27-year-old software engineer who used Subwaydle's open-source code and made adjustments to fit Boston's transit system. [ more ]
7 months ago
OMG science

Hubble Discovers Closest Earth-Sized World to Our Star System

Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have measured the size of an exoplanet just 22 light years away, confirming it as the closest known Earth-sized world to our solar system.
The exoplanet, named LTT 1445Ac, has a diameter 1.07 times that of Earth's and a mass of around 1.37 Earths. However, its surface temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit makes it uninhabitable for potential life.
To observe exoplanets, astronomers rely on a transit event where the planet passes between a telescope and a star, causing a dip in the star's light. The researchers initially used the TESS satellite to observe LTT 1445Ac, but the Hubble Space Telescope provided conclusive data. [ more ]
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