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The Nation
5 months ago
Public health

After Four Years of Covid, We've Still Got Our Heads In the Sand

Four years of Covid-19
Trade-offs in public health [ more ]
5 months ago

Scala 3: My migration journey

Switching from Scala 2 to Scala 3 can be straightforward with the right technology stack and tools.
There is no one way to do the migration, and it's important to consider the benefits and trade-offs for your specific scenario. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Architectural Trade-Offs: The Art of Minimizing Unhappiness

Good architecture involves making trade-offs that can be lived with, minimizing frustration.
The main skill in architecture is making trade-offs which reflect crucial decisions.
Testing trade-off decisions in real-world scenarios is key, along with generating alternatives based on experience.
Running low-cost experiments on hypotheses can enhance teams' ability to make better trade-offs. [ more ]
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