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1 month ago

Episode #206: Building Python Unit Tests & Exploring a Data Visualization Gallery - The Real Python Podcast

Unit testing in Python using the unittest framework, tutorial covers organizing tests, assert methods, fixtures, and debugging.
Python Graph Gallery offers tutorials on various chart types using popular plotting libraries for data visualization.
Course spotlight on building Python GUI applications with Tkinter covering widgets, event handlers, and building two applications. [ more ]
1 month ago

Building a Python GUI Application With Tkinter - Real Python

Tkinter is the only GUI framework built into Python's standard library, making it cross-platform with native rendering but criticized for outdated appearance. [ more ]
4 months ago

Exploring Data Tables in Tkinter with PandasTable - CodersLegacy

PandasTable library allows for easy display and interaction with DataFrames in a Tkinter GUI.
Modifying PandasTable internally is possible by accessing the dataframe through table.model.df attributes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Node JS

Visualize Binary Search Tree using Python, Tkinter and Graphviz

Binary Search Tree is a special type of tree with specific value restrictions for nodes in left and right subtrees.
Nodes in Binary Search Trees can be traversed using three methods: inorder, preorder, and postorder. [ more ]
1 week ago

Build a GUI Calculator With PyQt and Python - Real Python

Traditional GUI desktop applications in Python are still in demand, with libraries like Tkinter, wxPython, PyQt, and PySide offering various options. [ more ]
1 month ago

Building a Python GUI Application With Tkinter - Real Python

Tkinter is the only GUI framework built into Python's standard library, making it cross-platform with native rendering but criticized for outdated appearance. [ more ]
4 months ago

Exploring Data Tables in Tkinter with PandasTable - CodersLegacy

PandasTable library allows for easy display and interaction with DataFrames in a Tkinter GUI.
Modifying PandasTable internally is possible by accessing the dataframe through table.model.df attributes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Node JS

Visualize Binary Search Tree using Python, Tkinter and Graphviz

Binary Search Tree is a special type of tree with specific value restrictions for nodes in left and right subtrees.
Nodes in Binary Search Trees can be traversed using three methods: inorder, preorder, and postorder. [ more ]
1 week ago

Build a GUI Calculator With PyQt and Python - Real Python

Traditional GUI desktop applications in Python are still in demand, with libraries like Tkinter, wxPython, PyQt, and PySide offering various options. [ more ]
2 months ago

Working with frames in a video using OpenCV and Tkinter.

Extract frames from a video file using OpenCV functionality in a graphical application with Tkinter. [ more ]
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