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1 month ago
UK politics

Margaret Thatcher set Britain's decline in motion so why can't politics exorcise her ghost? | Andy Beckett

Thatcherism continues to influence modern British conservatism, with key figures in both major parties acknowledging her impact. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Tories don't realise that investment isn't a cost: it's a benefit | William Keegan

James Callaghan and Rachel Reeves contrast in economic backgrounds.
Rachel Reeves' stance against Thatcherism and the repercussions of deregulation. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Awful as it was, Thatcherism did transform Britain. Starmerism just promises more of the same | Owen Jones

Labour leader Keir Starmer praised the transformative nature of Margaret Thatcher's administrations, which is seen as controversial within the Labour party.
Starmer's praise of Thatcher reveals the conservative nature of his project and suggests that under a future Labour government, Thatcherism, George Osborne's, and Boris Johnson's legacies could be preserved. [ more ]
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