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Mouse Vs Python
3 months ago
Web development

Creating a Modal Dialog For Your TUIs in Textual - Mouse Vs Python

Textual is a Python package for creating text-based user interfaces (TUIs)
This tutorial shows how to create a modal dialog in the terminal using Textual [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
4 months ago

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 2 Is Out! | The PyCharm Blog

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 2 introduces a revamped Terminal tool window with visual and functional enhancements.
You can now use the same npm configuration to run and debug both the server and client sides of your application. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

How to close a Mac OS X app from a shell script (or command line)

The command 'osascript -e 'quit app "Safari"'' can gracefully close a MacOS application.
The command can be used in automation scripts to close specific applications. [ more ]
6 months ago

Eurostar Amsterdam to London trains cancelled for passengers for six months - but will still run empty

Eurostar trains from Amsterdam to London will not take passengers for six months while a new terminal is built at Centraal station in Amsterdam.
Passengers from Amsterdam and Rotterdam heading to London will need to change trains in Brussels instead during this time.
There will be no direct train to London from Amsterdam between June 2024 and January 2025. [ more ]
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