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3 weeks ago
New York City

Teen in SoHo shot dead during dispute in broad daylight: police and sources | amNewYork

Police searching for gunman who shot and killed 16-year-old in SoHo in broad daylight.
Gun violence rare in 1st Precinct, with first incident reported this year. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Tech industry

Musi Won Over Millions. Is the Free Music Streaming App Too Good to Be True?

Musi music streaming app popular among teens. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Star Wars String Art (Mountain View)

Craft enthusiasts can enjoy a Star Wars themed string art project with assistance, suitable for teens and adults aged 12 and up. [ more ]
1 month ago

In the face of online misinformation, these teens are learning how to sort fact from fiction | CBC News

Teens like Sameer Ferdousi are joining fact-checking networks to combat misinformation on social media. [ more ]
2 months ago

Survey: Most teens feel happy, peaceful without a smartphone

Nearly three-quarters of U.S. teens feel happy without their phones, despite not limiting phone use.
Majorities of teens feel smartphones aid in creativity, pursuing hobbies, and schoolwork. [ more ]
2 months ago

Most teens aren't worried about their own social media use

Teens value smartphones benefits
Parents struggle with managing teens' smartphone use [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

Tweens reveal their 40-minute, $200 skincare routines as doctors warn some products could hurt kids

Teens and tweens are becoming increasingly obsessed with skincare and are willing to spend a lot of money on expensive products and complicated regimens.
Parents and doctors are struggling to determine what is harmless fun and what is potentially harmful when it comes to young people's skincare routines. [ more ]
5 months ago

Roughly a sixth of kids are using YouTube almost constantly, says Pew

One in six teens use YouTube and TikTok almost constantly.
YouTube remains the most popular social platform among teens. [ more ]
1 month ago

New Study Identifies A Predictor For Teens' Future Happiness

Teens' brain development is influenced by the kind of thinking they engage in, beyond just academic achievements.
Transcendent thinking, which involves making connections between stories and personal lives, plays a critical role in setting up teens for a happy adulthood. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

Boy slashes fellow 13-year-old during fight outside NYC school: cops

A 13-year-old boy was slashed in the face by a classmate during a fight outside their Brooklyn school.
The boy was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 months ago

Turns Out, There's A Science-Backed Trick To Getting Teens To Listen To Unsolicited Advice

Teens and young adults are more likely to listen to unsolicited advice from parents if their autonomy is supported.
Overly authoritarian parenting can hinder a relationship and make teens less likely to take parental advice. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Digital life

How to protect your kids and teens from popular cyber scams

Teens lost a staggering $210 million to online scams in 2022.
Sextortion scams targeting teen boys have increased by 20% between October 2022 and March 2023. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Digital life

Meta will hide suicide and eating disorder content from teens as government pressure mounts

Teens on Facebook and Instagram will not be able to see self-harm, suicide, and eating disorder content, even if shared by friends.
Meta is also implementing default restrictive filtering settings for teen accounts. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Many US teens almost constantly' using YouTube, TikTok, new Pew Research report shows

A large percentage of American teens use social media almost constantly, with YouTube being the most widely used platform followed by TikTok.
Despite concerns about the impact of social media on teen mental health, young people continue to heavily engage with these platforms. [ more ]
5 months ago

Despite mounting mental health concerns, teens remain heavy social media users

Despite concerns about the impact of social media on youth mental health, a new survey by Pew Research Center shows that teens still use major platforms at high rates.
The survey did not address how teens feel about their social media use or whether it affects their mental health and well-being. [ more ]
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