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2 months ago

Breaking Down the Monolith: Is Microservices the Only Way?

Microservices empower agile development but come with complexities and challenges.
Identifying the ideal size for Microservices is subjective and depends on team dynamics and domain-specific factors. [ more ]
2 months ago

Breaking Down the Monolith: Is Microservices the Only Way?

Microservices have benefits like scaling teams and rapid software releases but can also introduce complexities and challenges in managing boundaries and code duplication. [ more ]
2 months ago

Breaking Down the Monolith: Is Microservices the Only Way?

Microservices empower agile development but come with complexities and challenges.
Identifying the ideal size for Microservices is subjective and depends on team dynamics and domain-specific factors. [ more ]
2 months ago

Breaking Down the Monolith: Is Microservices the Only Way?

Microservices have benefits like scaling teams and rapid software releases but can also introduce complexities and challenges in managing boundaries and code duplication. [ more ]
21 hours ago

The Set Piece Strategy: Tackling Complexity in Serverless Applications

Decompose complexity: Break down issues into parts to effectively address each one.
Develop sustainable applications through serverless technology optimization, robust availability, and scalability.
Adopt Domain-Driven Design and microservices for team independence and streamlined development.
Incorporate software delivery best practices emphasizing modularity, efficiency, and observability.
Empower teams with autonomy in managing microservices independently. [ more ]
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