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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

How to help grad student instructors develop a teaching style (opinion)

Graduate students impact undergraduates' education by teaching, grading, mentoring, and designing courses.
Training programs for graduate student teaching assistants focus on pedagogy, but often lack guidance on developing a distinct teaching style. [ more ]
2 months ago

UK schools forced to rely on teaching assistants to cover absences

Teaching assistants are increasingly taking over teaching duties without sufficient resources or compensation. [ more ]
2 months ago

Scheme to provide schools with more teaching assistants

Incoming teaching assistants to address skills shortage in Havering schools.
ELAT apprenticeship scheme aims to train and deploy teaching assistants effectively. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Boston University denies it would replace striking TAs with AI

Boston University denies replacing graduate student TAs with AI.
Dean suggests using AI tools to manage course discussions during strike. [ more ]
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