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New York Post
2 months ago

The class-size law is about to cause misery for countless city public-school families

New state mandate could impact NYC school admissions process for 2025-26.
Mandate may hurt popular schools, redistribute funding, and increase teacher union membership. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago

Unions want full control of schools and our kids - we can't let Albany allow it

Mayoral control streamlines accountability in managing public schools.
Teacher unions aim to eliminate academic standards and enforce small class sizes under mayoral control. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

Teachers' unions should stop claiming credit for COVID classroom wins

The American Federation of Teachers falsely claimed to have encouraged in-class learning during the pandemic, despite evidence to the contrary.
US student test scores have declined and the AFT is being accused of deflecting blame for this decline. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Class-size cap proves the UFT couldn't care less about students

A state law reducing class sizes in NYC schools may negatively impact the neediest students.
The law could result in more teachers being added to high-performing schools rather than low-performing ones, prioritizing union membership over education improvement. [ more ]
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