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2 days ago
OMG science

The Textbooks Were Wrong About That Map of the Tongue's Taste Buds

The myth of specific tastes being localized on different parts of the tongue debunked by recent research. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Revealed: The surprising reason why beer tastes better ice cold

Chilled beer tastes better due to the arrangement of alcohol molecules at lower temperatures. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Guinness tastes better while listening to Irish music, scientists say

Listening to Irish music enhances the taste of Guinness, affecting its flavor based on the type of music.
Psychological phenomena like priming and musical fit influence how music can impact the perception of taste. [ more ]
6 months ago

Ultra-processed foods are not more appealing, study finds

Ultra-processed foods are no more liked or desired than less processed foods
Calories, level of processing, and taste intensity are key factors influencing food preference
People tend to prefer foods with equal amounts of carbohydrate and fat and lower amounts of fiber, as they are less filling per calorie [ more ]
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