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1 month ago
US Elections

David Pecker Mastered Catch and Kill' Tabloid Deals

The lines between journalism, business interests, and personal relationships in tabloid media were blurred by David Pecker's techniques. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

At Trump's Trial, a Window Into the Golden Era of Tabloids

The National Enquirer's former publisher, David Pecker, testified in Trump's trial about suppressing negative news and hush-money deals during the 2016 election. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

David Pecker Mastered Catch and Kill' Tabloid Deals

The lines between journalism, business interests, and personal relationships in tabloid media were blurred by David Pecker's techniques. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

At Trump's Trial, a Window Into the Golden Era of Tabloids

The National Enquirer's former publisher, David Pecker, testified in Trump's trial about suppressing negative news and hush-money deals during the 2016 election. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
New York City

After Trump's Conviction, a National Enquirer Editor Sends His Regrets

The National Enquirer transitioned from publishing scandalous stories to suppressing them, leading to a tragic downfall for the publication. [ more ]
6 days ago

Presumed Innocent Recap: Dinner With the Sabiches

The legal thriller genre can risk becoming tedious due to excessive focus on legal minutiae, requiring a balance to maintain audience engagement. [ more ]
The Nation
1 week ago
Media industry

Has Jeff Bezos Embraced the Rupert Murdoch Model of Leveraging Sleaze for Power?

Tabloid journalism wields significant power over political and business elites by controlling gossip and secrets. [ more ]
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