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ABA Journal
2 months ago

More lawyers-and clients-want to learn about sustainable development practices

Lawyers and clients are increasingly interested in sustainable development practices. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires

Addressing inequality is crucial for global challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

BU-Harvard research coordinating center hosts inaugural climate and health conference

Individual accountability is crucial for combatting the health crisis of climate change.
Climate change impacts all aspects of human health and requires urgent action. [ more ]
ABA Journal
2 months ago

More lawyers-and clients-want to learn about sustainable development practices

Lawyers and clients are increasingly interested in sustainable development practices. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires

Addressing inequality is crucial for global challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

BU-Harvard research coordinating center hosts inaugural climate and health conference

Individual accountability is crucial for combatting the health crisis of climate change.
Climate change impacts all aspects of human health and requires urgent action. [ more ]
State of the Planet
1 month ago
Data science

How One Sustainable Development Student Balances Academics and Athletics

Phoebe Anderson transitioned from caregiving roles to studying Sustainable Development at Columbia University and aims to work in the water sector post-graduation. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Indonesia wants progress on EU trade deal DW 04/25/2024

Indonesia is pushing for progress on a free trade agreement with the EU despite disputes over deforestation and nickel mining. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
1 month ago

City could push 'agrihood' combos of farmland, housing developments in East Austin - Austin Monitor

Agrihood developments in Northeast Austin combine community farms with housing to address housing needs, development pressures, and local food system stability. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

We Need to be Ready for Biotech's ChatGPT Moment

Biology will revolutionize industries like healthcare, food production, and energy with advancements such as lab-grown meat, personalized therapies, and AI-driven biological experiments. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
1 month ago

rural ceramic factory renovated to become 'brickyard retreat' hotel by LLLab.

The transformation of a former glazed tile factory into a boutique hotel embraces heritage, fostering cultural tourism and sustainable rural development. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 months ago

grassland community center in china adapts traditional mongolian ger for sustainable living

Reimagining traditional Mongolian ger structures with a contemporary framework for sustainable development in pastoral areas.
Developing a lightweight prefabricated building system adaptable to local nature, resources, and society. [ more ]
State of the Planet
2 months ago

Register to Present at the Climate School's Earth Month and Student Research Showcase

Students can present their work at The Climate School's Earth Month and Student Research Showcase on April 26, focusing on environmental and sustainable development topics.
The showcase welcomes research posters from Columbia and Barnard students, including work in progress, with a submission deadline of April 17. [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Macron and Lula announce 1 billion investment plan for the Amazon

French President Macron launched a billion-euro Amazonian green investment plan with Brazilian President Lula.
France and Brazil aim to promote a global investment plan into the bioeconomy, emphasizing a Franco-Brazilian moment in diplomatic relations. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

UN adopts US-sponsored, and non-binding, AI resolution

UN adopts resolution on AI development standards
Resolution emphasizes safe, secure, trustworthy AI systems [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 months ago

studio 5*5 repurposes scaffolding pipes and street lamps to illuminate paris olympic village

Low-carbon furniture objects redefine urban lighting and promote sustainable development.
Collaborative efforts in urban design lead to innovative solutions for public spaces. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI's ethical governance emphasized

Chinese officials emphasize the need for rules and ethical standards in AI development to ensure it doesn't pose a threat to humanity.
AI development should be human-centric and used to address global issues like sustainable development and climate change.
China is working on enhancing AI's ethical governance through institutional design. [ more ]
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