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1 year ago
US Elections

U.K. PM Sunak courts Washington, D.C. lawmakers

McCarthy echoed that message during brief remarks with Sunak at the top of their meeting."Our two nations have such long history and such [a] great combination of not just our beliefs and our freedoms, but our economics, and I want to find every way we can to continue to build on all of this," the speaker said.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Senate Democrats Hope to Pass Bill Codifying Marriage Equality Before Midterms

Democratic lawmakers in Congress may make one last push in the coming weeks to pass a number of bills - including one protecting the right to same-sex marriage - in the run-up to the midterm elections.
1 year ago
US Elections

U.K. PM Sunak courts Washington, D.C. lawmakers

McCarthy echoed that message during brief remarks with Sunak at the top of their meeting."Our two nations have such long history and such [a] great combination of not just our beliefs and our freedoms, but our economics, and I want to find every way we can to continue to build on all of this," the speaker said.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Senate Democrats Hope to Pass Bill Codifying Marriage Equality Before Midterms

Democratic lawmakers in Congress may make one last push in the coming weeks to pass a number of bills - including one protecting the right to same-sex marriage - in the run-up to the midterm elections.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Op-ed: Women's rights 50 years after the first ERA debate

Betty Friedan was just a fiery radical with a bad temper.It's convenient to believe this.But at a moment when many of the rights for women she gained are being overturned, it's time to reconsider common wisdom about her character.Friedan, a towering figure in the women's movement who died in 2006, wrote the 1963 groundbreaking book "The Feminine Mystique" and co-founded the National Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate fails to advance Equal Rights Amendment resolution

The Senate on Thursday failed to advance a resolution to remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment to the Constitution.The resolution failed 51-47.Although it had two Republican co-sponsors Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine most GOP senators opposed it.
1 year ago

Ketanji Brown Jackson to be sworn in as first Black woman on the Supreme Court

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poses for a portrait on Feb. 18, 2022.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Op-ed: Women's rights 50 years after the first ERA debate

Betty Friedan was just a fiery radical with a bad temper.It's convenient to believe this.But at a moment when many of the rights for women she gained are being overturned, it's time to reconsider common wisdom about her character.Friedan, a towering figure in the women's movement who died in 2006, wrote the 1963 groundbreaking book "The Feminine Mystique" and co-founded the National Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate fails to advance Equal Rights Amendment resolution

The Senate on Thursday failed to advance a resolution to remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment to the Constitution.The resolution failed 51-47.Although it had two Republican co-sponsors Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine most GOP senators opposed it.
1 year ago

Ketanji Brown Jackson to be sworn in as first Black woman on the Supreme Court

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poses for a portrait on Feb. 18, 2022.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Eric Garcetti's stalled nomination to ambassador's post sees slight progress

Eric Garcetti's nomination to be ambassador to India made incremental progress this week as the former Los Angeles mayor impressed a Republican senator after a private meeting and won over an undecided Democrat.Garcetti, whose nomination has languished for about a year and a half, drew praise from a key swing vote Tuesday, giving new life to a nomination that has seemed all but dead.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate to vote on same-sex marriage in coming weeks | amNewYork

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed Wednesday that the Senate will vote on legislation to protect same-sex marriage "in the coming weeks" as a bipartisan group backing the bill negotiates changes to gain more Republican support.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate to vote on same-sex marriage in coming weeks

A bipartisan group of senators is working to round up the ten GOP votes needed to overcome a filibuster and get the legislation through the 50-50 Senate.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Eric Garcetti's stalled nomination to ambassador's post sees slight progress

Eric Garcetti's nomination to be ambassador to India made incremental progress this week as the former Los Angeles mayor impressed a Republican senator after a private meeting and won over an undecided Democrat.Garcetti, whose nomination has languished for about a year and a half, drew praise from a key swing vote Tuesday, giving new life to a nomination that has seemed all but dead.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate to vote on same-sex marriage in coming weeks | amNewYork

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed Wednesday that the Senate will vote on legislation to protect same-sex marriage "in the coming weeks" as a bipartisan group backing the bill negotiates changes to gain more Republican support.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate to vote on same-sex marriage in coming weeks

A bipartisan group of senators is working to round up the ten GOP votes needed to overcome a filibuster and get the legislation through the 50-50 Senate.
1 year ago
US politics

McCarthy's Speaker Drama Might Scare Congress Into Actually Funding the Government

This article is part of The D.C. Brief, TIME's politics newsletter.Sign up here to get stories like this sent to your inbox.Sometimes, the coda tacked onto the end of a sentence does all of the work.No drama, no gridlock, no government shutdown this week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday evening as voting began on a stopgap government spending bill that keeps the lights on for another week.
1 year ago
US Elections

Senate set to pass same-sex marriage protections

The legislation, led by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.),Susan Collins (R-Maine), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), would ensure that the federal government recognizes a same-sex marriage, even if a couple moves to a state that doesn't do so.In addition, the bill would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman and passed the Senate by an overwhelming margin.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats Introduce Bill to Block State Restrictions on Travel for Abortions

Democratic senators have introduced a bill that would bar states with anti-abortion laws from enacting punishments against their residents should they travel to other areas of the country to obtain abortion services.
1 year ago
US Elections

Senate set to pass same-sex marriage protections

The legislation, led by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.),Susan Collins (R-Maine), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), would ensure that the federal government recognizes a same-sex marriage, even if a couple moves to a state that doesn't do so.In addition, the bill would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman and passed the Senate by an overwhelming margin.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats Introduce Bill to Block State Restrictions on Travel for Abortions

Democratic senators have introduced a bill that would bar states with anti-abortion laws from enacting punishments against their residents should they travel to other areas of the country to obtain abortion services.
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