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ABC7 San Francisco
4 weeks ago

Major retailers are offering summer deals to entice inflation-weary shoppers

Major retailers are increasing discounts to attract shoppers and provide relief from inflation. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

Xbox's Shift To 'High-Impact' Games Is Misguided At Best, Reckless At Worst

Xbox is shutting down several acquired studios to focus on high-impact, blockbuster games from Bethesda.
Matt Booty's strategy to prioritize high-impact titles contradicts Xbox's past emphasis on diverse and sustainable gaming experiences. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to measure marketing's value in the inevitable cookieless future | MarTech

Strategic shift needed for marketing measurement in a cookieless future. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Nintendo Seems To Have Changed Something About Its Game Releases

Nintendo has traditionally released games on Fridays in the US, but recent releases have shifted to Thursdays.
This change in release days for Nintendo games may signal a shift in the company's strategy. [ more ]
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