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The Atlantic
1 month ago
US Elections

What Would Trump Really Do on Abortion?

Trump plans to shift abortion regulation to states if reelected, but experts doubt he will remain passive, likely exercising broad executive authority to limit access. [ more ]
2 months ago

Opinion | The Smothering of Abortion Rights Reveals Something Else About Republicans

State's rights on abortion can lead to extreme restrictions as seen in Arizona, where an old ban was enforced without exceptions for rape or incest. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago
US Elections

What Would Trump Really Do on Abortion?

Trump plans to shift abortion regulation to states if reelected, but experts doubt he will remain passive, likely exercising broad executive authority to limit access. [ more ]
2 months ago

Opinion | The Smothering of Abortion Rights Reveals Something Else About Republicans

State's rights on abortion can lead to extreme restrictions as seen in Arizona, where an old ban was enforced without exceptions for rape or incest. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump's Abortion-Pill Stance '2 Weeks Away,' Which Is Trumpspeak for 'Never'

Trump avoids disclosing his position on abortion, using the excuse of 'states' rights' and delaying important decisions with a '14-day' trope. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump backed a federal abortion ban as president. Now, he says he wouldn't sign one.

Trump disappointed abortion rights opponents by not mentioning a federal ban in his abortion policy announcement.
Trump stated he would not sign a federal ban on abortion even if Congress passed one, indicating support for states' rights in deciding abortion policies. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump's Abortion-Pill Stance '2 Weeks Away,' Which Is Trumpspeak for 'Never'

Trump avoids disclosing his position on abortion, using the excuse of 'states' rights' and delaying important decisions with a '14-day' trope. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump backed a federal abortion ban as president. Now, he says he wouldn't sign one.

Trump disappointed abortion rights opponents by not mentioning a federal ban in his abortion policy announcement.
Trump stated he would not sign a federal ban on abortion even if Congress passed one, indicating support for states' rights in deciding abortion policies. [ more ]
2 months ago

Trump says he wouldn't sign national abortion ban, opposes Arizona's near-total ban

Former President Trump opposes Arizona's near-total abortion ban and national abortion ban.
Arizona's strict abortion ban could impact Democrats' voter mobilization strategies in the upcoming elections. [ more ]
4 months ago

Oklahoma Governor Argues States Can Just Ignore the Supreme Court if It Gets Something Wrong'

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt denies that the U.S. Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the nation's laws.
Stitt and other Republican governors argue that states have the right to defy Supreme Court decisions in the event of an invasion. [ more ]
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