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2 weeks ago
US news

Top Minnesota Democrats Call on State Senator Charged With Burglary to Resign

Democrats in Minnesota face a dilemma of whether to remove Senator Nicole Mitchell, who was charged with burglary, to maintain control of State Legislature. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Democrats Adopt Nomination Plan to Allow Biden on the Ohio Ballot

Democratic Party nominating Biden for second term despite Ohio ballot glitch. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Newsom and Democrats announce a plan to reduce the enormous budget deficit. How? TBD

Democrats in California announced a plan to reduce the state's budget deficit of at least $38 billion, with a tentative amount of $12-18 billion agreed upon.
The plan involves early cuts, including delays in spending and clawing back unspent funds, with details to be shared in April before tougher deliberations in May and June. [ more ]
3 months ago

West Virginia Lawmakers OK Bill Drawing Back One of the Strictest Child Vaccination Laws

West Virginia passes bill allowing some students to be exempt from vaccination requirements
State Legislature approves bill despite objections from Republican Health Chair [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
US news

Trans candidates face challenges to get on Ohio ballots over 'deadnames'

Transgender women running for state office in Ohio have faced challenges due to a little-known state law that requires disclosure of previous legal names on election documents.
Advocates are concerned that this law is being used to hinder transgender candidates and may set a precedent for similar challenges in other states. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
NYC politics

Gov. Hochul has struck out on housing reform - but here's what could actually help NYC's crisis

The annual session of the New York state legislature is a cause for dread for housing advocates due to the dominance of socialists who support government control of housing.
Proposals such as punitive rent controls and requirements for below-market-rent apartments contribute to the goal of government and nonprofit control of housing in New York City.
Governor Kathy Hochul's previous proposals for a land use revolution to force local governments to create more apartments were unsuccessful, suggesting a need for a more pragmatic approach. [ more ]
New York Post
1 week ago
NYC politics

Albany pumps the brakes on MTA funding plan in rebuke of Hochul's move to ditch congestion pricing

Albany lawmakers halted MTA funding plan after scrapping congestion pricing, leaving transit agency's revenue in limbo. [ more ]
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