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2 weeks ago

Bill Walton Let His Joy Flourish | Defector

Joy is a key indicator of healthy spirituality; it refers to a zest for life beyond happiness. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Diana Zaheer Is Guiding Us on the Path to Enlightenment With "Judgment City" - KALTBLUT Magazine

A collaboration between Diana Zaheer, Marina Loeb, and Lincoln Parish brings forth an extraordinary masterpiece called 'Judgment City' that blends art, spirituality, and music. [ more ]
Document Journal
1 month ago

Document Launches Spring/Summer 2024: New Mythologies

Mythologies and unexplainable experiences challenge the status quo, offering deeper insights into existence. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
6 months ago

Marcela Cantuaria: 'I want to make life from the painting'

Marcela Cantuária's art represents leaders from Brazil and the Global South from a magical perspective.
Her art strives to make the world more meaningful by combining politics with magic and fantasy. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Diana Zaheer Is Guiding Us on the Path to Enlightenment With "Judgment City" - KALTBLUT Magazine

A collaboration between Diana Zaheer, Marina Loeb, and Lincoln Parish brings forth an extraordinary masterpiece called 'Judgment City' that blends art, spirituality, and music. [ more ]
Document Journal
1 month ago

Document Launches Spring/Summer 2024: New Mythologies

Mythologies and unexplainable experiences challenge the status quo, offering deeper insights into existence. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
6 months ago

Marcela Cantuaria: 'I want to make life from the painting'

Marcela Cantuária's art represents leaders from Brazil and the Global South from a magical perspective.
Her art strives to make the world more meaningful by combining politics with magic and fantasy. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Living Through Words: Ethan Hawke on His Career, Poetry, and Wildcat | Interviews | Roger Ebert

Religious influences in upbringing can shape storytelling themes and choices. [ more ]
The New Yorker
4 weeks ago

"The Call to Worship"

The idea of God serves as a comforting presence in the face of existential loneliness and uncertainty. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Living Through Words: Ethan Hawke on His Career, Poetry, and Wildcat | Interviews | Roger Ebert

Religious influences in upbringing can shape storytelling themes and choices. [ more ]
The New Yorker
4 weeks ago

"The Call to Worship"

The idea of God serves as a comforting presence in the face of existential loneliness and uncertainty. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Juxtapoz Magazine - Michael Swann Investigates the Auras of Place and Religious Experience

Exploring religious experiences through the lens of place and visual representation. [ more ]
1 month ago

This Man Wants Your Most Haunted Objects

Tony Oursler has an extensive private collection related to magic, spirituality, and the occult, which serves as a barometer for people's belief systems. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Unraveling the Secrets of Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported globally, with individuals often experiencing encounters with luminous beings and a sense of temporal and spiritual travel. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

Speaking to Your Soul: 5.9.24 - San Francisco Bay Times

The fear that wakes us up at 3 am is a signal to pay attention and awaken our future selves by breaking out of self-constructed molds. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
1 month ago

4 Tips for Failing Better in Your Spiritual Practice - Tiny Buddha

Discovering others' journey through struggles can provide relief and guidance in one's own challenges. [ more ]
Yoga Journal
1 month ago

Weekly Astrology Forecast, April 28-May 4: Allowing Yourself Some Space

Astrological forecast for April 28-May 4 emphasizes the balance between action and surrender in personal growth. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Unraveling the Secrets of Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported globally, with individuals often experiencing encounters with luminous beings and a sense of temporal and spiritual travel. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

Speaking to Your Soul: 5.9.24 - San Francisco Bay Times

The fear that wakes us up at 3 am is a signal to pay attention and awaken our future selves by breaking out of self-constructed molds. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
1 month ago

4 Tips for Failing Better in Your Spiritual Practice - Tiny Buddha

Discovering others' journey through struggles can provide relief and guidance in one's own challenges. [ more ]
Yoga Journal
1 month ago

Weekly Astrology Forecast, April 28-May 4: Allowing Yourself Some Space

Astrological forecast for April 28-May 4 emphasizes the balance between action and surrender in personal growth. [ more ]
1 month ago

Drugs, Sacraments or Medicine? Psychedelic Churches Blur the Line.

Psychedelic retreats blending spirituality and alternative medicine are asserting their use of substances as sacramental under religious freedom laws. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ethan Hawke Reveals How Maya Hawke Influenced His Move to TV

Ethan Hawke views human creativity as an act of faith and explores spirituality through his art. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Alice Notley's Prophecies - The Paris Review

Alice Notley's poem 'The Prophet' challenges conventional notions of prophecy and spirituality. [ more ]
Open Culture
6 days ago

How the 13th-Century Sufi Poet Rumi Became One of the World's Most Popular Writers

Rumi's broad appeal unites diverse regions through his poetry. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Alice Notley's Prophecies - The Paris Review

Alice Notley's poem 'The Prophet' challenges conventional notions of prophecy and spirituality. [ more ]
Open Culture
6 days ago

How the 13th-Century Sufi Poet Rumi Became One of the World's Most Popular Writers

Rumi's broad appeal unites diverse regions through his poetry. [ more ]
1 month ago

A longevity revolution' is coming. Here's how those over 100 are making the most of their lives

Living to 100 has challenges but also rewards; maintaining a positive outlook and connecting with a higher purpose are key to thriving in old age. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
2 months ago

A photographer's 19-year ritual of taking a daily Polaroid becomes a musical performance

Livingston took and saved over 6,700 Polaroid photos, one each day for 19 years.
The project evolved into a no-budget exhibition and a musical performance, resonating globally. [ more ]
2 months ago

What are Ram Dass's best books (recommendations, ranked)

Polishing the Mirror is considered one of the great spiritual books of all time.
Be Love Now is more accessible to a modern audience than Be Here Now. [ more ]
5 months ago

Common Credits Ralph Ellison for Pointing Him Toward Music

The Tongue is a spiritual book based on Bible scriptures and teaches the power of words and the word of God.
The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn and The Creative Act: A Way of Being were impactful books that emphasized the power of the mind and creativity. [ more ]
2 months ago

What are Ram Dass's best books (recommendations, ranked)

Polishing the Mirror is considered one of the great spiritual books of all time.
Be Love Now is more accessible to a modern audience than Be Here Now. [ more ]
5 months ago

Common Credits Ralph Ellison for Pointing Him Toward Music

The Tongue is a spiritual book based on Bible scriptures and teaches the power of words and the word of God.
The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn and The Creative Act: A Way of Being were impactful books that emphasized the power of the mind and creativity. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago

The Visions of Alice Coltrane

Music as a source of healing after loss
Alice Coltrane's spiritual journey and dedication to her music [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 months ago

mariko mori's yuputira house is an ode to infinite space and japan's coastal charm

Yuputira House is Mariko Mori's first architectural project, reflecting her transcendental style and love for the oceanic charm of Miyako Island.
Mariko Mori's artistic journey spans various mediums, from cyborg-like figures challenging stereotypes to interactive installations exploring spiritual and cosmic themes. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

Briefly Noted Book Reviews

Interconnected characters spanning significant periods
Exploration of philosophical musings on spirituality and relationships [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

How Marilynne Robinson Reads Scripture

Marilynne Robinson's novels evoke a sense of celestial light.
Robinson's novels reflect her deep knowledge and love of Christianity. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

Briefly Noted Book Reviews

Interconnected characters spanning significant periods
Exploration of philosophical musings on spirituality and relationships [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

How Marilynne Robinson Reads Scripture

Marilynne Robinson's novels evoke a sense of celestial light.
Robinson's novels reflect her deep knowledge and love of Christianity. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 months ago

Prince and the Afterworld: Dorothea Lasky and Tony Tulathimutte Recommend - The Paris Review

Reflecting on afterlife beliefs and societal influence on spirituality.
Finding solace in music and lyrics as spiritual guidance. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
3 months ago
Mental health

Overcoming Spiritual Blues: Your Guide to Managing Spiritual Depression

Emotional fluctuations are normal; spiritual guides can support during challenging times.
Spirituality plays a crucial role in well-being and can offer purpose and comfort. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
4 months ago

MAKHNO studio envisions its KHRAM temple as three spherical prayer rooms in ukraine

KHRAM - The Temple of Three Religions is a sacred space designed for prayer and reflection.
The temple features a unique entrance and three spherical rooms made of adobe blocks. [ more ]
4 months ago

Chelsea Wolfe says witchcraft and sobriety informed her latest album | amNewYork

Chelsea Wolfe's album explores themes of witchcraft and spirituality, but the process of making it was a time of healing and relinquishing control.
Wolfe's songwriting process for her album involved embracing different genres, such as trip-hop, and working with a producer who transformed her rock-sounding songs. [ more ]
4 months ago

Who was St. Brigid and why is she inspiring many 1,500 years after her death? | amNewYork

St. Brigid is being commemorated on the 1,500th anniversary of her death, with festivities taking place in Ireland and around the world.
Brigid, the saint and ancient pagan goddess, is gaining a modern following as a symbol of feminine spirituality and empowerment. [ more ]
4 months ago

Your February Tarot Reading

The Hanged Man represents surrender and sacrifice.
The Ace of Pentacles indicates opportunities in health, wealth, and home. [ more ]
1 week ago

I Went to the Ballarat Psychic Expo at a Table Tennis Centre

Exploration of attending a psychic expo and the motivations behind seeking guidance through psychic readings. [ more ]
4 months ago

Your February Tarot Reading

The Hanged Man represents surrender and sacrifice.
The Ace of Pentacles indicates opportunities in health, wealth, and home. [ more ]
1 week ago

I Went to the Ballarat Psychic Expo at a Table Tennis Centre

Exploration of attending a psychic expo and the motivations behind seeking guidance through psychic readings. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

It's possible to find spirituality in technology, but beware those who misuse it for personal gain | Samantha Floreani

Technology is making it easier to project a sense of magic upon technology through generative AI and personalized content recommender systems.
The rise of religious and spiritual spinoff chatbots raises ethical concerns about manufacturing insight and enlightenment for profit. [ more ]
7 months ago

A Shining by Jon Fosse review a spiritual journey

Jon Fosse's novella, A Shining, dissolves the boundary between the material and spiritual worlds.
Fosse's work is accessible and has a deep kinship to Samuel Beckett's writing.
Damion Searls' translation of Fosse's work is intelligent and subtle. [ more ]
7 months ago

My Son Died Unexpectedly. Months Later, I Heard His Voice Say 4 Words That Flooded Me With Peace.

Believing in the presence of loved ones in spirit can bring comfort and peace during the grieving process.
Experiencing connections with loved ones who have passed away is not uncommon and can provide a sense of love and reassurance.
The loss of a loved one can feel like losing a part of oneself due to the deep connection that was shared. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 weeks ago

What I Learned From a Hermit Who's Lived in a Remote Scottish Cabin for 40 Years

Voluntary isolation for spiritual or moral insight dates back to religious ascetics. Expect hermits to renounce comfort and offer wise counsel while being unworldly. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 week ago

Angelica Garcia unpacks the 'strange cultural tug of war' behind her new album, 'Gemelo'

Angeélica Garcia's album 'Gemelo' is a rhythmic exploration of spiritual world and duality, mixing Spanish lyrics with themes of intuition and ancestry. [ more ]
Daily Mom magazine
3 days ago
Web design

Human Design Parenting, Spirituality, And Your Parent Type

Spirituality in parenting offers a framework for intentional and purposeful child-rearing. [ more ]
The Walrus
5 days ago

Doing Nothing Has Never Been More Important | The Walrus

The concept of idleness is often viewed negatively in contrast to work, but various cultures throughout history have emphasized the importance of working for spiritual growth and enlightenment. [ more ]
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