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2 months ago

Nile crocodiles and Burmese python among rare species seized in Spain

Specialist wildlife police in eastern Spain rescued endangered animals without proper documentation in 2023.
Seprona officers recovered various protected species and launched investigations to find owners lacking required paperwork. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Endangered Species Act by the numbers

The Endangered Species Act has protected over 1,600 species and prevented an estimated 291 extinctions since its passage in 1973.
The law has been consistently underfunded and attacked by industry, leading to the extinction of some species even after ESA listing. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 days ago
OMG science

Scientists say 'sixth great extinction' is preventable if we act now

To prevent mass extinction, prioritizing 1.2% of land can save 75% of plant and animal species. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Endangered Species Act by the numbers

The Endangered Species Act has protected over 1,600 species and prevented an estimated 291 extinctions since its passage in 1973.
The law has been consistently underfunded and attacked by industry, leading to the extinction of some species even after ESA listing. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 days ago
OMG science

Scientists say 'sixth great extinction' is preventable if we act now

To prevent mass extinction, prioritizing 1.2% of land can save 75% of plant and animal species. [ more ]
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