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New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Judge calls out blatant double standard when it comes to Biden's Justice Department and Hunter

Biden Administration criticized for giving preferential treatment in Hunter Biden investigation.
Justice Department faced backlash for handling subpoenas and plea deals related to Hunter Biden. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Groups sue Austin officials over plan to redevelop dairy plant site - Austin Monitor

The proposal to replace a dairy plant in East Austin with apartments, offices, hotel, and restaurants has faced legal challenges.
Concerns about environmental impact and special treatment for the developer led to opposition from advocacy groups and neighborhood associations. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

POLL: Most Americans and Almost 1/3 of Democrats Think Biden Got Special Treatment' in Classified Docs Case

A majority of Americans and nearly a third of Democrats believe that President Joe Biden received special treatment in the investigation into his improper retention of classified documents.
Special Counsel Robert Hur released a report stating that while Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials, criminal charges were not warranted, citing Biden's cooperation and memory issues. [ more ]
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