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1 month ago
Dallas Cowboys

Space Force Obtains Three "Space Cowboys"

Space Force members earned the title "space cowboys" by completing combat and physical training exercises in El Paso, Texas. [ more ]
16 hours ago
Information security

China is seeking ways to disrupt daily American life should a conflict erupt, Pentagon's IT leader says

China is escalating cyber and space attacks on critical infrastructure and civilian entities to disrupt daily life in the United States. [ more ]
1 day ago

A Dead Russian Satellite Broke Into More Than 100 Pieces in Space

A Russian satellite broke apart in space, creating debris, risking potential threats. Space junk poses risks to space operations, emphasizing the need for debris removal projects. [ more ]
5 days ago
US news

A Florida family is suing NASA after a piece of space debris crashed through their home

A Florida family sues NASA over space debris damage, highlighting accountability in space activities. [ more ]
1 day ago

A Dead Russian Satellite Broke Into More Than 100 Pieces in Space

A Russian satellite broke apart in space, creating debris, risking potential threats. Space junk poses risks to space operations, emphasizing the need for debris removal projects. [ more ]
5 days ago
US news

A Florida family is suing NASA after a piece of space debris crashed through their home

A Florida family sues NASA over space debris damage, highlighting accountability in space activities. [ more ]
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