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designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 months ago

a light peach tone engulfs every corner inside this two-family house in barcelona

Architects renovated a mid-20th-century single-family house in Sant Cugat del Vallés to accommodate two families by creating a new hierarchy of large interconnected rooms. [ more ]
Design Milk
5 months ago

Everden Residence: Where Stacked Boxes Meet Gabled Ceilings

The Everden Residence in Toronto is a contemporary home that pays homage to traditional house design.
The architects at StudioAC created a visually captivating structure by playing with the idea of offset stacked boxes and a gabled motif. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Il.ee Cafe / SUBTEXT

Designing a space involves considering relationships and evolution over time, beyond just visible outcomes. [ more ]
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