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Berlin Startup Jobs
2 months ago
Data science

Job Vacancy: Backend Software Engineer - LLM enthusiast // Kodex AI | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Cutting-edge AI technology in financial industry
Seeking experienced Berlin-based Software Engineer for AI solutions [ more ]
2 months ago
Tech industry

Did One Guy Just Stop a Huge Cyberattack?

The internet infrastructure heavily relies on open-source software maintained by volunteer programmers.
A software engineer named Andres Freund discovered a potential backdoor in the Linux operating system, saving the internet from a major cyberattack. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Cognition Labs Previews Devin AI Software Engineer - DevOps.com

Devin is an AI-based software engineer capable of autonomously performing tasks like assessing benchmark performance and fixing bugs.
Cognition Labs' Devin outperformed previous AI models significantly in resolving software issues, showing promise in transforming software development. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Senior Full-stack Engineer - Vue.js/Nuxt at Slides With Friends

Slides With Friends offers an interactive platform for group presentations and team building.
They are seeking to hire a software engineer with experience in VueJS and a strong background in writing clean and reliable code. [ more ]
Eater LA
5 months ago
LA food

This San Gabriel Valley Bakery Is Bringing a Big Tech Mentality to Cake

Patisserie Bluejay has a unique cake picker feature on their website to help customers choose their ideal cake.
The owners, pastry chef Jay Chen and software engineer Ivan Lo, devote time to research and development and continually revise their recipes. [ more ]
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