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1 month ago
New York City

N.Y.P.D. Social Media Attacks Prompt City Council to Seek Investigation

Urgent investigation requested into NYPD's social media use after personal attacks on a councilwoman, raising concerns about threats and misinformation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Social media is like driving with no speed limits': the US surgeon general fighting for youngsters' happiness

Social disconnection due to screen obsession impacting youth happiness
Concerns over the decline in person-to-person social connections and the rise of social media use [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago
Mental health

The 10 Surprising Habits of a Lonely Person You Need to Know!

Excessive social media use, excessive TV watching, overworking yourself, and overeating or undereating can be signs of loneliness and isolation. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

9 Ways to Reset Your Relationship With Social Media

Excessive social-media use is linked with negative mental health consequences such as loneliness, depressive symptoms, and poor self-esteem.
Crafting a mission statement and setting intentions for social media use can help individuals reset their relationship with these platforms. [ more ]
6 months ago

Despite mounting mental health concerns, teens remain heavy social media users

Despite concerns about the impact of social media on youth mental health, a new survey by Pew Research Center shows that teens still use major platforms at high rates.
The survey did not address how teens feel about their social media use or whether it affects their mental health and well-being. [ more ]
#social media use
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Digital life

Protecting Kids on Social Media Act: Amended and Still Problematic

The updated Protecting Kids on Social Media Act remains an unconstitutional bill that replaces parents' choices with a government-mandated prohibition on social media use for children and teens.
The bill prohibits children under 13 from using any ad-based social media, which could lead to ad-based platforms switching to a fee-based model and limiting access for young people.
The bill infringes on the First Amendment rights of minors and ignores the fact that children, even those under 13, have a constitutional right to speak online and access others' speech. [ more ]
7 months ago
Digital life

4 tips for a successful digital 'detox'

Identify what's driving your stress or unhappiness
Tech companies should help users implement research-backed digital detox strategies [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Digital life

Protecting Kids on Social Media Act: Amended and Still Problematic

The updated Protecting Kids on Social Media Act remains an unconstitutional bill that replaces parents' choices with a government-mandated prohibition on social media use for children and teens.
The bill prohibits children under 13 from using any ad-based social media, which could lead to ad-based platforms switching to a fee-based model and limiting access for young people.
The bill infringes on the First Amendment rights of minors and ignores the fact that children, even those under 13, have a constitutional right to speak online and access others' speech. [ more ]
7 months ago
Digital life

4 tips for a successful digital 'detox'

Identify what's driving your stress or unhappiness
Tech companies should help users implement research-backed digital detox strategies [ more ]
moresocial media use
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