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Scary Mommy
1 month ago

I Refuse To Make My Kids Ashamed Of Masturbation

Discovering a personal pleasure in running water, an individual reflects on the shame associated with his experience. [ more ]
1 month ago

Jessica Biel: Understanding My Period Has Been a 30-Year Journey

The pressure to hide periods can create shame and silence, but it's essential to change this narrative and educate about menstruation to empower individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago

We all want to cut out the bad parts of ourselves. It won't work, and it won't make us happier

Individuals often wish to eliminate parts of themselves they find shameful or weak, seeking self-improvement through various means. [ more ]
1 month ago

'Aftercare' Is The BDSM Practice We Should Use For Vanilla Sex, Too

Aftercare is essential even in casual sexual situations to ensure everyone feels respected and cared for. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 months ago

I Had Sex With A Married Man, But It's Not What You Think

Exploring experiences with a sex therapist can help release shame around sex.
Challenging societal norms regarding sex and setting personal boundaries is essential for self-acceptance. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Why Rudy Giuliani Lost So Big

Shame is society's most powerful enforcement mechanism against misconduct.
The defamation trial against Rudy Giuliani ended with a $148 million damage verdict.
The legal proceedings arising from Trump's assault on the 2020 election make the federal courthouse a hub of political accountability. [ more ]
6 months ago

Designer layoff stories

The author experienced the highs and lows of getting a raise and being laid off in a short span of time.
Shame and guilt can have a significant impact on a person's mindset when they become unemployed.
The fear of being judged or asked about their job can be a source of anxiety for someone who is jobless. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
7 months ago

Trapped in Shame: How I Found Mental Freedom After Prison - Tiny Buddha

Shame thrives in secrecy, silence, and judgment, but with empathy and vulnerability, it cannot survive.
Shame is an insidious disease that lives in isolation, separation, and disconnection.
By shining a light on shame and being vulnerable, individuals can begin their journey towards healing and self-acceptance. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 weeks ago

Confessions of an Ozempic-Taker

The chronicler of addictions, Johann Hari, shares his own struggle with willpower and shame. [ more ]
1 week ago

I want love and intimacy but I am struggling with my sexual identity

Self-discovery journey to embrace sexuality with love and freedom. [ more ]
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