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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Not to be outdone by Trans Day of Visibility, Trump weirdly declares 'Christian Visibility Day'

Debate sparked over Election Day as 'Christian Visibility Day'
Trump's declaration triggers national conversation on religion in politics [ more ]
1 month ago

New Law Allowing Religion into Science Classrooms Is Dangerous for Everyone

Separation of church and state is crucial to protect religious freedom and scientific education in public schools.
Legislation like West Virginia's SB 280 aims to introduce religiously motivated alternatives to scientific theories despite lack of necessity. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago

Putting chaplains in public school is the latest battle in culture wars

Efforts in conservative states to introduce chaplains in public schools are being coordinated with the aim of converting people to Christianity.
Bills to introduce chaplains in public schools are gaining traction in multiple states, influenced by a law passed in Texas. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

Hate Does Have A Home Here - See Also

Kindness towards individuals who express hate may not be universally embraced.
Concerns about separation of church and state arise with pastors in public schools and SCOTUS case on presidential immunity. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

There's A Multistate Trend Of Public Schools Replacing Guidance Counselors With Pastors

Growing push for religious chaplains in public schools in the United States
Concerns over the separation of church and state in public schools [ more ]
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