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Harvard Gazette
1 month ago

How do you read organization's silence over rise of Nazism? - Harvard Gazette

Medical historians analyze NEJM's handling of historical injustices like Nazism, eugenics, and slavery, emphasizing the importance of self-examination and confronting uncomfortable history. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
4 months ago
Social justice

Healing Society through the Archaeology of Self: A Racial Literacy Development Approach - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The Archaeology of Self is a pivotal component of the Racial Literacy Development Model (RLDM), allowing for personal and collective healing through self-examination.
The RLDM is an action-oriented process aimed at eradicating racial bias and changing systems governed by racism and inequality. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Doing this simple self-examination now could help reduce your chances of developing anal cancer later - Queerty

Encouraging self-examination for anal cancer detection among high-risk individuals can lead to early detection and better treatment outcomes. [ more ]
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