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3 weeks ago
US news

New Housing Crisis for San Francisco: Where to Put the Sea Lions

Sea lions are visiting San Francisco in higher numbers than ever recorded, contrasting the lack of human visitors due to the pandemic. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Mysterious Surge in Bay Area Sea Lion Pup Deaths Stumps Researchers

The mysterious deaths of sea lion pups along the West Coast are concerning scientists, who are exploring potential causes such as toxins, diseases, and environmental shifts. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

New Housing Crisis for San Francisco: Where to Put the Sea Lions

Sea lions are visiting San Francisco in higher numbers than ever recorded, contrasting the lack of human visitors due to the pandemic. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Mysterious Surge in Bay Area Sea Lion Pup Deaths Stumps Researchers

The mysterious deaths of sea lion pups along the West Coast are concerning scientists, who are exploring potential causes such as toxins, diseases, and environmental shifts. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Bird flu is decimating seal and sea lion colonies. Scientists don't know how to stop it

Avian influenza affecting seals and sea lions globally
Virus spreads rapidly in wildlife and marine mammals [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Sea lion pups stranded on California coast were 'skin and bones.' See them return home

Sea lions released back to the ocean after rehabilitation
Sea lions encountered malnourishment due to early weaning and toxic algae blooms [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
6 months ago

Boaters spot orcas 'zig zagging' in California. Then came a 'jaw dropping' attack

A group of boaters witnessed a rare moment when killer whales attacked sea lions in California.
The orcas were seen hunting and feeding on the sea lions for several minutes. [ more ]
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