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1 month ago

Marvel Studios Lines Up A Writer For X-Men Reboot Movie

X-Men MCU reboot movie finally has a screenwriter confirmed, potentially leading to a new era for Marvel's mutant heroes. [ more ]
1 month ago

A New Maze Runner Movie Will Revive The Franchise

20th Century Studios is developing a new Maze Runner film with screenwriter Jack Paglen, continuing the franchise with a fresh story in the same world. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Norma Barzman, Blacklisted Screenwriter, Dies at 103

Norma Barzman, a screenwriter who was one of the last surviving victims of the Hollywood blacklist, has died at the age of 103.
Barzman and her husband were members of the Communist Party and were blacklisted in Hollywood after World War II.
Barzman and her husband lived in Europe for decades to escape the investigations and professional ostracism in the film industry. [ more ]
6 months ago

Film Director Otar Iosseliani Dies At 89, Was Vehement Critic Of Putin, Russia Wars

Renowned film director Otar Iosseliani has passed away.
Iosseliani was born in Georgia and spent most of his career in France. [ more ]
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