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4 months ago

Healthy Activities Save Kids' Lives. Why Are They So Hard to Find?

Pediatricians play a crucial role in discussing weight and advocating for the health of children.
Screening tests related to weight are important for identifying potential health issues. [ more ]
4 months ago

Obesity and alcohol driving up bowel cancer cases among young people in UK'

Unhealthy lifestyles among younger people are contributing to cancer at an earlier age, with obesity, alcohol, and reduced physical activity being main factors.
Bowel cancer death rates among younger people, particularly women, are expected to rise in the UK but not in other European countries. [ more ]
5 months ago

This New Prenatal Test Could Have Major Advantages For Parents

DNA testing in pregnancy can uncover genetic diseases in a fetus and determine the baby's sex.
A recent study shows that more extensive DNA testing can be done earlier in pregnancy, potentially identifying genetic diseases during the first trimester. [ more ]
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