
[ follow ]
3 weeks ago

13 Writing Side Hustles To Earn An Extra $1,000

Affiliate marketing can scale into a multi-million dollar business, but building an audience and authority takes time. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

The Pros And Cons Of Using AI In Learning And Development (L&D)

AI enhances L&D through personalized learning, efficiency, and data-driven insights. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

How to Leverage AI for eLearning Content Development - eLearning

AI in eLearning enhances efficiency, personalization, consistency, scalability, and relevance of content. [ more ]
3 months ago

What to Expect From Ethereum's Cancun-Deneb Upgrade

Ethereum upgrades address blockchain trilemma for scalability, efficiency, security.
Upcoming Dencun hard fork prioritizes scalability, efficiency, and security through EIPs like proto-danksharding. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

How To Implement The Pipeline Design Pattern in C#

The pipeline design pattern in C# optimizes data processing by breaking it down into stages executed in parallel, reducing processing time.
It simplifies complex operations, enhances scalability, and makes it easier to handle large datasets by breaking down data processing into source, stages, and sink components. [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

Top 7 Reasons to Hire Node.js Development Company to Grow Your Business - eLearning

Node.js offers speed and efficiency with its non-blocking, event-driven architecture.
Node.js has a vibrant ecosystem of libraries and packages for faster development cycles and resource efficiency.
Node.js scalability and its modular architecture make it ideal for businesses experiencing rapid growth or unpredictable traffic patterns.
Node.js uses JavaScript for both server-side and client-side scripting, creating a unified development environment. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google Launches New Multi-modal Gemini AI Model

Gemini is the first AI model to outperform human experts on MMLU.
Gemini is designed for efficiency and scalability and has three initial versions. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 week ago

The New Wave Of Bitcoin L2s Are Sidechains

Bitcoin Layer 2 (L2) definitions are being used for marketing despite lacking true scalability [ more ]
1 month ago

Bitcoin Layer 2 Coins, STX, ELA, SAVM, Outperform BTC After Halving

Bitcoin Layer 2 coins outperform BTC, rising 5-20% since halving, attributed to scalability and transaction speed improvements. [ more ]
1 week ago

Deepthi Sigireddi on Distributed Database Architecture in the Cloud Native Era

Distributed databases in the cloud-native era require performance, availability, scalability, and resilience. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

SQL co-creator embraces NoSQL

NoSQL databases are evolving to meet modern application requirements that demand massive scalability and high performance. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to leverage the traffic management capabilities of a service mesh to optimize performance and minimize downtime - Amazic

Microservices and service mesh are prevalent for scalability, but managing service communication is crucial. Traffic management is key for optimal performance in microservices architectures. [ more ]
5 months ago

GitHub - wesql/wescale: WeScale is a database proxy that cares about your application, the development experience, and supports OnlineDDL.

WeScale is a database proxy that enhances scalability, performance, security, and resilience of applications.
Features include connection management, read-write split, read-after-write consistency, load balancing, and transparent failover. [ more ]
Azure DevOps Blog
11 months ago

Updates to Approvals and Checks - Azure DevOps Blog

Approvals and Checks provide increased security to your YAML pipelines.They allow you to control if a pipeline run is allowed to access a resource.Let's look at an example.Say you develop the FabrikamFiber web app.To deploy a new version of your app, you use a YAML pipeline that uses an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) service connection.
Vue.js Feed
1 year ago

Migrating from Vue 2 To Vue 3 - Deprecated and Updated Features

Vue 3, the latest major version of Vue.js, was released on September 18, 2020 and is a complete rewrite of Vue 2, with a focus on better performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript and IDE support, and improved scalability.However, migrating from Vue.js 2 to Vue.js 3 is not always straightforward, and developers need to be aware of certain changes and potential issues that may arise during the process.
1 week ago
Graphic design

Canva introduces Canva Enterprise, Work Kits and adtech apps | MarTech

Canva Enterprise offers admin controls, security features, and scalability for large businesses. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web design

20 Free & Paid Small Business Tools for Any Budget

Free and paid tools for small businesses save time, streamline operations, and save money. [ more ]
1 week ago

Microsoft Introduces the Public Preview of Flex Consumption Plan for Azure Functions at Build

The Flex Consumption Plan for Azure Functions offers users more flexibility, customization, and performance without sacrificing existing capabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago

Azure API Management Basic V2 and Standard V2 GA: Enhancing Scalability, Security, and Networking

Azure API Management introduces new pricing tiers, Basic v2 and Standard v2, for enhanced scalability and flexibility.
The Basic v2 and Standard v2 tiers offer faster deployment, simplified networking options, and enhanced security with VNet integration. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 week ago
Web design

Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components, Variables, And More - Smashing Magazine

Naming is challenging in design and development, balancing between specificity and flexibility. [ more ]
1 week ago
Business intelligence

Get a Lifetime of 1TB Cloud Storage for Only $80 With FolderFort

Get affordable, fast, and secure cloud storage with a lifetime subscription to FolderFort 1TB Storage Pro Plan on sale at 68% off for $80. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 months ago
Business intelligence

8 Nonnegotiable Features To Look For In Any Modern SaaS Solution Including AI

AI is a nonnegotiable feature in modern SaaS solutions, providing intuitive UX and productivity boost.
Scalability is essential for SaaS solutions, allowing flexibility for business growth while optimizing costs. [ more ]
1 week ago

QCon London: A Tale of Team Topologies

Adapt team topologies to meet growth demands and changing priorities at startups for scalability. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Phoenix LiveView Promises SPA-like Interactivity for Real-Time Server-Rendered Apps

Phoenix LiveView allows developers to create real-time applications without JavaScript, leveraging the Erlang virtual machine for scalability. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Why Every CMO Needs to Know Their Search TAM

Founders and CMOs are exploring alternatives to paid acquisition as ad costs rise. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Breaking Down the Monolith: Is Microservices the Only Way?

Microservices have benefits like scaling teams and rapid software releases but can also introduce complexities and challenges in managing boundaries and code duplication. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

10 Techniques for Creating and Managing Scalable and Robust Developer Platforms - Amazic

Microservices Architecture
Containerization and Orchestration
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) [ more ]
4 months ago

Accelerating the Cloud: The Final Steps - SitePoint

Cloud native platforms are a powerful alternative to x86-based compute.
Cloud native application development involves breaking applications into smaller microservices. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dynamic provisioning in Kubernetes & why it matters for cloud storage - Amazic

Cloud-native technologies like microservices and containerization are essential for modern application development.
Dynamic provisioning in Kubernetes automates the creation of storage resources, making it easier to scale applications without manual intervention. [ more ]
1 year ago

Proper Way To Add Graceful Shutdown-NodeJs

Hi, internet!I know you are trying to do your best to improve your skills in software development and I am here to give you a niche subject.If you are a backend developer this post is just for you!When we are developing our projects, micro startups or the next big FAANG, we need to do this the right way.
1 month ago
Data science

Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers - Nature

Manufacturing spin qubit devices with traditional infrastructure can lead to scalability and fault-tolerant quantum computers. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

Coinbase Integrates Bitcoin Lightning Network for US Exchange Users

Coinbase integrates Lightning Network for faster and cheaper BTC transactions in the US. [ more ]
1 month ago

Vercel: Build and deploy the best Web experiences with The Frontend Cloud - Vercel

Real-time global insights with Vercel analytics. [ more ]
1 month ago
Business intelligence

7 innovative ways to use low-code tools and platforms

Low-code platforms can be used for advanced applications beyond basic use cases, challenging misconceptions about scalability and innovation potential. [ more ]
1 month ago

Microsoft expands specs of Hyper-V VMs and hosts

Microsoft increases scalability ceilings for Hyper-V hypervisor in Windows Server 2025. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Platform and Features MLEs, a Scalable and Product-Centric Approach for High Performing Data Products

Setting up machine learning engineering efforts for scalability and performance at Bumble Inc.
Bumble Inc. operates as the parent company for three of the largest dating apps in the world. [ more ]
3 months ago

Episode #191: Focusing on Data Science & Less on Engineering and Dependencies - The Real Python Podcast

Metaflow is an open-source framework that simplifies engineering overhead for data scientists and programmers
Metaflow allows for easy management of dependencies and scalability of projects from a local machine to the cloud [ more ]
1 month ago

From Smoothie Architecture to Layer Cake with Durable Execution

Understanding the concept of durable execution in cloud-native environments is crucial for scalability, fault tolerance, and fast innovation.
Fault tolerance is a critical aspect that transcends and influences various other concerns in cloud-native development, such as dealing with state, concurrency, and failures. [ more ]
3 months ago
Business intelligence

6 best practices to ensure reliability & consistency in stateful workloads - Amazic

Stateless workloads do not retain information about past interactions and are inherently more scalable and fault-tolerant
Stateful workloads retain information about the state of the application and provide a more personalized experience but are more complex [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Reddit Migrates Media Metadata From S3 and Other Systems into AWS Aurora Postgres

Reddit consolidated media metadata storage using AWS Aurora Postgres for better retrieval and handling 100k+ requests at low latency.
Media metadata on Reddit includes two main types: media data on post model and metadata associated with media lifecycle. [ more ]
2 months ago

Why we bet on Scala at SwissBorg

Scala helped SwissBorg beat the average by leveraging its expressiveness and ecosystem.
Scala's scalability, coupled with partnerships with Scala-specialized companies, supported SwissBorg's growth. [ more ]
2 months ago

2x Improvement in Latency in Swiggy Data Science Platform | @lightbend

ML models at Swiggy contribute to customer experience and business decisions through DSP platform.
DSP system at Swiggy built on Akka with actors for scalability, resiliency, and responsiveness. [ more ]
2 months ago

A Checklist for Selecting an AI Partner | Entrepreneur

AI and automation are strategic imperatives for boosting productivity and streamlining job processes.
Key considerations for marketing professionals in selecting the right AI partner include expertise, customization, and scalability. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

10 Core Product Design Principles

Efficiency of use [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Introducing Spectrum 2: Our vision for the future of Adobe experience design

Designing a house requires collaboration, adjustments, and ongoing modifications, similar to designing software.
Design systems offer a unifying set of principles, components, and patterns for consistent user experiences at scale. [ more ]
2 months ago
Business intelligence

monday sales CRM Review (2024): Features, Price, Pros & Cons

Flexible and intuitive CRM for niche industries
Scalable pricing based on organization size [ more ]
2 months ago

Understanding The Difference Between Pub/Sub and Signals in JavaScript

Event Driven Architecture is based on events and message exchanges for processing.
Pub/Sub pattern in event-driven architectures allows components to communicate without direct interaction. [ more ]
2 months ago

Driving the DevOps Evolution: ArgoCD, Tekton and Seamless Migrations - DevOps.com

Evolution of CI/CD frameworks: Flux pioneered GitOps, Jenkins was widely used but led to exploration of alternatives, Spinnaker focused on scalability and multi-cloud deployments. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
2 months ago
Business intelligence

LeetCode Rewind analytics features to leverage StarRocks| App Developer Magazine

StarRocks platform powers LeetCode Rewind for interactive code analysis.
Real-time analytics and scalability of StarRocks are crucial in enhancing user experience on LeetCode. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Beyond Micro Frontends: Effective Composable Decoupled Applications on Cloud Native Infrastructure

1. Decoupling frontend applications is essential for scalability and meeting modern demands. 2. Technical debt accumulates when projects are managed by multiple vendors, leading to inefficiencies. [ more ]
3 months ago

4 Strategies For Slashing Operational Costs In Service-Based Startups

Focus on net profit over gross revenue for business success.
Utilize technology for streamlined service delivery and utilize freelancers for scalability. [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

When You Need a Trusted Solution: Ecommerce Shipping Software Platforms (2024)

A range of shipping options is essential for customer satisfaction.
Choosing shipping software should focus on integration with ecommerce platforms and scalability for shipping volume. [ more ]
3 months ago

AWS Lambda Under the Hood

Lambda is a serverless compute system allowing code execution on-demand without server management.
Lambda scales quickly to meet tracking demand with billions of monthly invokes. [ more ]
3 months ago

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Modifies Pricing Model for Cloud Deployments

The new RHEL pricing model for cloud providers is based on vCPU count.
The pricing adjustment aims to align with cloud VM models and improve scalability. [ more ]
4 months ago

Running MongoDB on AWS: A Practical Guide - DevOps.com

MongoDB is a NoSQL database solution that is often run on AWS for improved scalability and reliability.
Running MongoDB on AWS can be done manually or through the use of MongoDB Atlas, a fully-managed database-as-a-service. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 months ago
Business intelligence

The agile warehouse: Tips for adapting to rapid market changes

Market volatility is impacting warehouse operations, making agility essential for success.
Agility in warehouse management relies on flexibility, scalability, responsiveness, and innovation. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
Web development

D3.js adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

D3.js is a powerful JavaScript library for creating customized data visualizations.
D3.js offers flexibility and scalability that other libraries may lack. [ more ]
IPS Inter Press Service Business
4 months ago

Navigating the Future of Marketing: Unveiling the Power of Fractional Marketing Services - IPS Inter Press Service Business

Fractional marketing services involve engaging external marketing professionals on a part-time or project basis to address specific marketing needs.
The primary advantages of fractional marketing services include cost-efficiency, flexibility, scalability, access to diverse skills and experiences, and strategic insights. [ more ]
Social Media Explorer
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Benefits of Properly Setting Up Your Systems with a Managed IT Provider - Social Media Explorer

Increased security is a significant advantage of working with a managed IT provider, as they can provide advanced security solutions and 24/7 monitoring.
Working with a managed IT provider can lead to cost savings by eliminating the need for an in-house IT team and reducing overall IT expenses.
A managed IT provider offers scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to easily adapt to changing IT needs and implement new technology. [ more ]
11 months ago

Angular Forms: A Comparative Analysis of Template-Driven and Reactive Forms

Ketut Subiyanto As developers, we're no strangers to the concept of forms, they're our gateway to the user, gathering input and driving interaction within our applications.Specifically in Angular, this user interaction is managed primarily through two types of forms: Template-Driven Forms and Reactive Forms.
1 year ago
Data science

Parallel Domain unveils Reactor, a generative AI-based synthetic data generation engine

Synthetic data platform Parallel Domain today announced the launch of Reactor, a state-of-the-art synthetic data generation engine that integrates advanced generative AI technologies with proprietary 3D simulation capabilities.The platform aims to provide machine learning (ML) developers with control and scalability, enabling them to generate fully annotated data that enhances AI performance and fosters the creation of safer and more resilient AI systems for real-world applications.
3 months ago
Software development

API Management: A Weak Link in the Cloud-Native Chain - DevOps.com

Traditional API management involves manual processes and individual employees managing specific APIs, leading to slower release processes and lower reliability.
The new way of managing APIs involves declarative configurations, automated processes, and stateless APIs, leading to faster deployment, improved incident recovery, and greater scalability. [ more ]
New Relic
11 months ago

New Relic AIOps leadership fueled by collaboration with engineers

Within observability, AIOps has emerged as a game changer in the management and operation of complex IT environments, with engineers playing a vital role in safeguarding customer experiences and revenue streams.New Relic is dedicated to providing data to engineers that allows them to fundamentally reshape the way they build and operate critical services so they can optimize their operations, reduce downtime, accelerate innovation, and enhance customer experiences while maintaining engineer happiness.
1 year ago
UX design

From Data Chaos to Clarity: Mastering the Art of Dashboard Design

Dashboard design is a crucial element in data visualization.It helps in presenting complex and extensive data in a clear and concise manner.In this article, we will explore the art of dashboard design and how it can help you achieve clarity in your data.Establishing Clear Goals and Objectives
Before diving into dashboard design, it's crucial to establish clear goals and objectives for the information being presented.
New Relic
3 months ago

How Achievers load tests Kubernetes

Achievers improved platform performance and scalability by implementing a load testing framework.
They used observability dashboards to identify and resolve bottlenecks during testing. [ more ]
The New Stack
3 months ago
Business intelligence

Digital Evolution from Cloud Migration to Cloud Native Development

Legacy monolithic structures hinder scalability and can lead to obsolescence.
Provisioning resources on-demand reduces data center management overheads. [ more ]
3 months ago

Ephemeral Execution Is the Future of Computing, but What About the Data?

The cloud is much broader than just containers and offers cost savings by only paying for the compute you use.
Data gravity can impact the portability and scalability of ephemeral processes in the cloud. [ more ]
The New Stack
3 months ago
Business intelligence

5 Problems with Cloud Databases (and How to Fix Them)

Cloud databases offer scalability and flexibility
Security and privacy concerns are important considerations [ more ]
4 months ago

Amazon DynamoDB Distributed Transactions at Scale

Transactions in NoSQL databases are highly sought after by developers.
Databases are rapidly moving to the cloud due to the benefits of scalability and managed experiences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Relational vs NoSQL Cloud Databases: Pros and Cons

NoSQL databases are designed for handling unstructured data and are better at managing massive amounts of data.
NoSQL databases offer scalability, data modeling flexibility, and high availability compared to relational databases. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Maze: Overcoming Adoption Hurdles - DevOps.com

Hybrid clouds offer a unique mix of control, flexibility, and scalability while introducing new dimensions in IT security.
The transition to a hybrid cloud model brings security challenges like secure data transfer, protection against attacks, and managing access controls. [ more ]
4 months ago

Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Maze: Overcoming Adoption Hurdles - DevOps.com

Hybrid clouds offer a unique mix of control, flexibility, and scalability while introducing new dimensions in IT security.
The transition to a hybrid cloud model brings security challenges like secure data transfer, protection against attacks, and managing access controls. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Maze: Overcoming Adoption Hurdles - DevOps.com

Hybrid clouds offer a unique mix of control, flexibility, and scalability while introducing new dimensions in IT security.
The transition to a hybrid cloud model brings security challenges like secure data transfer, protection against attacks, and managing access controls. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Maze: Overcoming Adoption Hurdles - DevOps.com

Hybrid clouds offer a unique mix of control, flexibility, and scalability while introducing new dimensions in IT security.
The transition to a hybrid cloud model brings security challenges like secure data transfer, protection against attacks, and managing access controls. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Maze: Overcoming Adoption Hurdles - DevOps.com

Hybrid clouds offer a unique mix of control, flexibility, and scalability while introducing new dimensions in IT security.
The transition to a hybrid cloud model brings security challenges like secure data transfer, protection against attacks, and managing access controls. [ more ]
4 months ago
Data science

Using Python for Data Analysis - Real Python

A data analysis workflow provides a set of steps to follow when analyzing data
Using a workflow helps futureproof analysis and provides repeatability and scalability [ more ]
4 months ago
Data science

Using Python for Data Analysis - Real Python

A data analysis workflow provides a set of steps to follow when analyzing data
Using a workflow helps futureproof analysis and provides repeatability and scalability [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

How Web 3.0 Is Shaping the Next Digital Frontier | Entrepreneur

Web 3.0 concepts include decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the Metaverse.
Major challenges for Web 3.0 include scalability, interoperability, and centralization. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

How Web 3.0 Is Shaping the Next Digital Frontier | Entrepreneur

Web 3.0 concepts include decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the Metaverse.
Major challenges for Web 3.0 include scalability, interoperability, and centralization. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

How Web 3.0 Is Shaping the Next Digital Frontier | Entrepreneur

Web 3.0 concepts include decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the Metaverse.
Major challenges for Web 3.0 include scalability, interoperability, and centralization. [ more ]
The New Stack
4 months ago

A Roadmap to Cloud Native Development Nirvana

The article introduces a cloud native development maturity model for improving developer experience.
The model consists of four levels that organizations can progress through to achieve cloud native maturity. [ more ]
5 months ago

Hire Nodejs Developers from TechGropse

TechGropse offers a team of expert Node.js developers
They have experience with frameworks like Express.js and NestJS [ more ]
5 months ago

Lisa Neigut: Reinventing Lightning to Reinvent Bitcoin

Lisa Neigut is a prominent figure in the Bitcoin community, known for her work on the Lightning Network and teaching others about Bitcoin.
Neigut is focused on improving the Lightning Network through her work on 'Lightning v2' to make payments faster and more efficient. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

StarkWare: Layer 2 scaling for the Bitcoin network

StarkWare is a company that aims to solve scalability and privacy issues for blockchains through zk-STARKs.
zk-STARKs offer privacy, scalability, and post-quantum security without the need for trusted setups.
Integrating StarkWare with Bitcoin could revolutionize transaction processing on the network. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
6 months ago

Drivechains: The Future of Bitcoin's Scalability and Sustainability

Bitcoin faces challenges in terms of scalability and flexibility.
Drivechains may hold the key to addressing these issues and solidifying Bitcoin's place in the global economic arena. [ more ]
11 months ago

GitLab Dedicated offers single-tenant, SaaS-based devsecops

GitLab Dedicated, a fully isolated, single-tenant SaaS edition of the GitLab devsecops platform, is now generally available.The service is hosted and managed by GitLab and deployed on Amazon Web Services.Launched June 15, GitLab Dedicated is geared to users with strict compliance requirements such as isolation, data residency, and private networking.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

The Future of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure? This Robot Charger Can Drive Up to Your EV and Charge It Anywhere - Yanko Design

The problem with EVs is that adoption grows MUCH faster than infrastructure.It takes months or even years to set up an EV charging grid big enough to serve current needs, but tens of thousands of new people buy EVs on a daily basis.How does one solve for such a problem?Robotic Chargers, says one Seattle-based startup.
1 year ago

Centralize Your Angular HTTP Logic

Centralizing the HTTP logic in Angular is a best practice that can greatly enhance the maintainability and reusability of your code.In this detailed explanation, we'll explore the concept of centralizing HTTP logic in Angular and provide a comprehensive example along the way.Angular provides the HttpClientModule, a powerful module that facilitates making HTTP requests to remote servers.
1 year ago

Apache Kafka-an overview

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that enables users to process and analyze data in real-time.It is widely used for building real-time streaming data pipelines, and also for real-time data analytics.In this article, I will walk you through the basics of Apache Kafka, including how to download and set it up to get a feel of how Apache kafka works.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

This one, innocent-looking Google I/O screenshot gives a terrifying glimpse into the future of SEO and online publishing

Around the 30th minute of this week's Google I/O 23 keynote, Aparna Pappu, VP and GM for Google Workspace, casually launched a Google Docs document as part of her presentation on how as a collaborator, is coming to , and (love the fact that it called Duet, a bit more poetic than Microsoft's Copilot).
1 year ago

Frequency Drives 3x Efficiency For Audacy With Podcast Vetting Automation

Frequency, the next generation of ad management for the audio industry, and Audacy Inc., a leading multi-platform audio content and entertainment company, reveal how technology is fueling Audacy's dramatic increase in podcast sales productivity.Since using Frequency's automated workflows, Audacy's podcast vetting process is now 3x more efficient.
Smashing Magazine
1 year ago
Web development

A Guide To Redux Toolkit With TypeScript - Smashing Magazine

The Redux Toolkit documentation calls the library a better way to write Redux logic for React apps and a simple and efficient toolkit for Redux development.In this article, you will learn about the Redux toolkit by building an app that tracks project issues.If you are a React developer working on a complex application, you will need to use global state management for your app at some point.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The future of outbound marketing in an omnichannel stack | MarTech

The growing importance of omnichannel consumer engagement impacts all levels of the enterprise martech stack.Greater composability clarifies useful service boundaries, enabling enterprises to right-size their martech investments in nearly every domain.Outbound marketing has probably evolved the least in these respects.
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