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1 month ago
Data science

Building a better sarcasm detector

Sarcasm is challenging to convey electronically; researchers use a multimodal approach to improve detection accuracy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Researchers build AI-driven sarcasm detector

Artificial intelligence can now detect sarcasm, a crucial aspect of human communication, enhancing the potential for seamless human-machine interactions. [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

In the Magnificence of Iowa's Glow, Albany Catches Some Shade

ESPN announcer's sarcastic comment about Albany during Iowa's victory in the NCAA women's basketball tournament drew backlash.
Despite the negative comment, Albany successfully hosted the regional games with packed arenas and viewership. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

17 Funny Restaurant Signs And Menus That Prove Food Workers Have The Patience Of Saints

Using sarcasm in signage
Dealing with difficult customers [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

No brain scramble: Trump says he purposely mixes up Biden and Obama

Former President Donald Trump argues that his interchange of Joe Biden and Barack Obama is sarcastic and not a sign of mental impairment.
Reports note that Trump has mixed up Biden and Obama multiple times in recent months, along with other mistakes.
Trump suggests that Biden take a cognitive test and criticizes him for his policies and missteps as president. [ more ]
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