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1 week ago
US news

Lawmakers to Confront Boeing Chief on Mounting Quality and Safety Issues

Senate lawmakers plan to question Boeing's CEO on safety practices after a flight incident. Accusations of mismanagement and quality cuts raise concerns about Boeing's culture and safety standards. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

F.A.A. Administrator Says Previous Oversight of Boeing Was Too Hands-Off'

The FAA admitted failures in oversight of Boeing, now implementing more hands-on approach with in-person inspections and close monitoring of safety improvements. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

Lawmakers to Confront Boeing Chief on Mounting Quality and Safety Issues

Senate lawmakers plan to question Boeing's CEO on safety practices after a flight incident. Accusations of mismanagement and quality cuts raise concerns about Boeing's culture and safety standards. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

F.A.A. Administrator Says Previous Oversight of Boeing Was Too Hands-Off'

The FAA admitted failures in oversight of Boeing, now implementing more hands-on approach with in-person inspections and close monitoring of safety improvements. [ more ]
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