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3 months ago
Europe news

More than 100 detained at Navalny memorials in Russia: Rights group

Russian authorities detain over 100 at memorials for Navalny
Flowers and candles cleared from monuments honoring Navalny [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war live: Ukraine's forces withdraw from Avdiivka

Russian police detain over 100 at Navalny memorials
Protests against Navalny's death held in cities across Europe [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russian police detain reporters covering Moscow protest by soldiers' wives

Russian police detained a group of journalists, including an AFP reporter, covering a protest in Moscow by wives of soldiers fighting in Ukraine.
The women have been staging protests outside the Kremlin for weeks and demanding their partners be brought home from Ukraine.
The authorities have not yet punished the women's movement despite cracking down on dissent in other areas. [ more ]
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