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Washington Post
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Putin taps economist Andrei Belousov to lead defense ministry in wartime

Putin surprised by appointing economist Belousov as defense minister, showing a shift to war economy and emphasis on arms manufacturing race with the West. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russians cast final ballots in election preordained to extend Vladimir Putin's rule

Putin poised to extend rule
Tightly controlled election environment
Russian economy resilient despite sanctions [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

After two years of war, Russian economy proves resilient but for how long?

Russian economy saw strong growth in 2023 fueled by increased public and military spending, aided by revenue from oil and gas exports.
Vladimir Putin is expected to secure a fifth-term victory in the upcoming presidential election amidst Western sanctions and economic growth comparisons. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

What Will Putin Discuss at His Big Annual News Conference?

President Putin is holding his annual year-end news conference at a critical moment for the war in Ukraine.
Putin is expected to address topics such as the war in Ukraine, Russia's military production, and the resilience of the country's wartime economy. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

As Putin orchestrates his reelection, a resilient Russian economy is a key selling point

Imported staples' prices up in Russia
Economy stable in Russia despite sanctions and inflation [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago
Europe news

The Sanctions Against Russia Are Starting to Work

The effects of Western sanctions and the cost of the conflict are finally beginning to cause pain for the Russian general public.
Despite the sanctions, the Russian economy has been able to sustain growth and manage the budget deficit. [ more ]
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