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1 month ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 809

The situation in Ukraine's Kharkiv region remains critical as thousands flee amid Russian advances. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

In Ukraine, the vote to renew U.S. aid was cheered. But unease for the future remains

Approval of $61 billion aid package crucial to arm Ukrainian troops, reinforce defense against Russian advances. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Zelensky says Russian advances in Ukraine 'halted'

Russian advances halted in Ukraine
Ukraine building over 1,000 kilometers of fortifications [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
Europe news

U.S. war plans for Ukraine don't foresee retaking lost territory

The Biden administration is shifting its strategy in Ukraine, focusing on helping Ukraine defend against new Russian advances and strengthening its fighting force and economy.
The new plan de-emphasizes the goal of regaining territory and instead seeks to position Ukraine to hold its position on the battlefield and become stronger by the end of 2024. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Zelensky says Russian advances in Ukraine 'halted'

Russian advances halted in Ukraine
Ukraine building over 1,000 kilometers of fortifications [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
Europe news

U.S. war plans for Ukraine don't foresee retaking lost territory

The Biden administration is shifting its strategy in Ukraine, focusing on helping Ukraine defend against new Russian advances and strengthening its fighting force and economy.
The new plan de-emphasizes the goal of regaining territory and instead seeks to position Ukraine to hold its position on the battlefield and become stronger by the end of 2024. [ more ]
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